[color=Ivory]"Whether you believe me or not, Clara, that is the reality that you will have to accept.[/color] Jaden's eyes were like daggers stabbing into her as he stood up, his lean frame carrying with it an imposing nature to it. His words were sharp in tone, the gentle meekness that she was used to dashed against the rocks as he attempted to push her aside. He didn't toss her to the floor, but there was force behind the action, a force that demanded respect and compliance. Walking through the mess, Aiden's eyes seemed to glow as he stared down at the nude heaps of flesh before him. Taking a breath and steeling his heart, Jaden would call upon the dark power within him, his eyes becoming a bloody crimson as he waved a hand across his field of vision. In an instant, all of the bodies, as well as the sticky mess of drying fluids that had coated everything, would disperse into wisps of shadow, floating up into the air until they eventually vanished. With that out of the way, Jaden would focus his energies once again, causing both himself and Clara to become engulfed in a malestrom of shadow and darkness. After a few moments, these two would disperse and fade away, revealing the two of them in the exact clothes they'd been wearing the night before, perfectly remade to the very last detail. [color=Ivory]"And with that, we need to leave. Now, before someone comes around. If you want more answers, or just to yell at me some more, than it can be done at the estate, but now? Now you need to stay quiet and do what I say. Understood.[/color]