Jen shook her head, causing the puff ball of light to shift with her movement. She reached up cupping her hand around it to whisper something to it. It bobbed once, then shot toward Kriv only to arc around, swirling over his head before settling a few inches above it. She'd learned in the last month or so that her sight in the darkness was far better than his. He needed the light more than she. "[color=6ecff6]No, no it's not,[/color]" she murmured as she shifted to her right along the shelves pressed against the wall. "[color=6ecff6]After you,[/color]" she said gesturing toward the far door. It would be better for him to go first, as he was bigger and the rest of the cellar might well prove to be just as cramped. [hr][hr] As the door opens under Kriv's touch the hinges squeak just a bit though relatively quietly. The odor is a bit stronger, wafting past both of them. In the cold light that spills into the room the walls are lined with shelves, barrels and crates. Two large barrels on their side are butted up against the far side of a quite large crate, blocking a good portion of the view of the rest of the room. There was loud cheebling and a few squeaks. There came a scratching of small claws on stone and wood. In the edges of the light two pairs of beady red eyes glint in the reflected light. Angry screeches and hisses erupt from the shadows before two rats, both the size of medium dogs come rushing out of the dark. Their clawed feet scrabble on the stone as they rush for Kriv as he was in the lead. Their teeth are barred, but as quick as they were, the Dragonborn would be faster. Jen would be right behind him, her actions almost as swift. [hr] [center][img][/img][/center] ((GM: Before you post make sure to get ahold of me especially since I know you're probably going to be away from the computer for a good portion of the day))