Eyy, I'm joining in with Fear if there's room, we've got collaborated characters. [hider=Winona Morgan][center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/B43oQiU.png[/img] [h3]Winona Gabriella Morgan[/h3] [i]"You gon' pissin' up and down both sides of every tree, walkin' with your belt so high y'think they're yours to piss on. Lemme' tell you somethin' mister, you gon' and pissed on the wrong tree."[/i] [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Alias'[/b] 'Winnie' 'Wild Kid' [b]Age:[/b] 17 (Seventeen) [b]Personality:[/b] ※ Brash ※ Hot Headed ※ Acts before thinking ※ Good natured Many veterans of this rugged land would describe Winona as the typical saddle kid; too full of piss and vinegar for her own good, too ready to start a fight for the wrong reasons, and too full of pride. Despite this, Winona is typically good natured, and usually attempts to do what she perceives as the right thing. Despite that, she's not above the petty evils of minor theft or cheating. [b]Quirks:[/b] ※ [b]Animal lover[/b] Winona spends a good portion of her time with animals, be it during her time among the woods or her strong bond with her horse Joshua. As a result, Winona cares for and has a strong natural connection with animals. ※ [b]Self Conscious[/b] Always feeling a need to prove herself as a capable and intelligent person, Winona maintains an at times unhealthy level of self consciousness. Whether it's over her age or skin color, she constantly strives to prove any doubters wrong. ※ [b]Former Slave[/b] Though she was born nearing the end of the Civil War, Winona was still a slave at her birth, and has suffered at the hands of racists on both sides of the north/south line. She particularly fears segregation and outcasting due to her skin color, and moreso fears restrainment and imprisonment. [b]Equipment:[/b] ※ [url=http://cdn.c.photoshelter.com/img-get/I0000Enuv1.fzeZs/s/870/wild-horse-mustang-Mwhrs5100.jpg]Mustang Stallion 'Joshua'[/url] ※ [url=http://www.antiquearmsinc.com/images/colt-1851-navy-conversion-revolver-london-pistol-38-rimfire-richards-mason-antique-guns/colt-1851-navy-conversion-revolver-london-pistol-38-rimfire-richards-mason-antique-guns-11.jpg]1851 Colt Navy .45 Long Colt Conversion[/url] ※[url=http://gunsoftheoldwest.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/henry-44-40-lead.jpg]Model 1860 Henry Repeating Rifle .44-40 Winchester[/url] ※ [url=http://i.imgur.com/u3yOG2H.jpg]24 .45 Long Colt Cartridges[/url] ※ [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/a0/1c/53/a01c53d98bdbcbe9a4d845f3ae291e8d.jpg]43 .44-40 Winchester Cartridges[/url] ※ [url=http://i.imgur.com/pCAOugk.png]Bowie Knife[/url] ※ [url=http://previews.123rf.com/images/irochka/irochka1104/irochka110400183/9277872-Vintage-compass-isolated-on-white-background-Stock-Photo-compass-old-antique.jpg]Compass[/url] ※ [url=http://www.worldmapsonline.com/images/1whistoricmaps/1w-azs-rr-1887.jpg]Map of the Arizona Territory[/url] ※ [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/bd/20/54/bd2054b2a0c97371f6c4623b69dc3251.jpg]Bedroll[/url] ※ [url=http://www.cgsociety.org/cgsarchive/newgallerycrits/g01/269301/269301_1298144496_large.jpg]Oak Canteen[/url] ※ [url=https://c1.staticflickr.com/1/225/459026919_e8a7c22fae_b.jpg]Strike Anywhere Matches[/url] [b]Biography:[/b] Born - (February 16th, 1865) (Jefferson, Texas) Childhood - (1865 - 1876) Orphaned - (1876) Lived in wilderness - (1876 - 1877) Discovered and taken in by Nat Pursolt (1877) Taught and raised by Nat Pursolt (1877 - 1882)[/center][/hider]