[Center][h2]Dis, [s]Shrine of the Sisters of the Burning Violet[/s] Alter of the Two Faced Crow.[/h2][/center] It was no hidden secret that all branches of the Adepta Sororitas wished to die in the Emperor's name; To martyr themselves against the enemies of man in such a fashion that all loyal followers of the God Emperor would hear of it for thousands of years, if not more. That was the 'Dream' as far as the 'daughters of the Emperor' were concerned... As he walked through the blood splattered floor of the hallway that lead to the Shrine's armory, 'Colonel' Melchior Siegenhausen couldn't help but grin a little to himself; He had granted the sisters what they wanted... through maybe not in the manner in which they had hoped. While he had been elsewhere during the betrayal and putting a bullet into the back of the head of the high bitch herself, he had heard of what had happened there; A couple of squads had managed to infiltrate the armory, seized a couple of the sisters own 'Holy' Bolters and set themselves up to to defend the location from all comers before the alarm was raised. It had been nothing short of complete and utter slaughter. Passing by the now raided armory, Melchior's smile faded into something more thoughtful as he spied what he was looking for; Several of his men standing around an impressive looking closed vault door, having a rather intense discussion. Now that he could see it for himself, Melchior could understand the hold up. They didn't really have the right equipment for breaching something like this... Not yet anyway. ............................................ [center][h2]Dis, Elsewhere.[/h2][/center] Several men saluted as they stood at attention, having traded their old uniforms for the brand new ones of Blackcoat command. The story they told had been a grim one; They had been ordered by their commanding officer to inform the brass that an unknown number of the sisters of the burning violet had betrayed the God Emperor, summoning demons and slaughtering their loyalist sisters in their own shrine. The rest of the regiment had tried to intervene and salvage the situation but all communication with both armed forces had been lost. With loyal gusto, these men went about their new duties without question... but eyes and ears open for information and possibilities.