[h2] [color=00a651]Gaomon[/color][/h2] [Sector 14] He had no idea why Mammothmon was attacking him but he didn't waste any time trying to figure it out, instead focusing on dodging the Ultimate Digimon. He decided that the best thing he could do was to lead the Ancient Animal to where he though the humans were, maybe then he could convince him to let him join the Digital army. Gaomon ran to where his captive escaped, occasionally looking back to see if Mammothmon was still following him and to be ready to dodge any attacks if necessary, only to find that the human was gone. Luckily he left tracks in the snow which the Digimon followed. [h2][color=39b54a]Wessel[/color] [/h2] It seemed like the other human was either ignoring him or was out of hearing range. Seeing no other options Wessel got closer hoping the human's yellow companion wouldn't attack him like every other native of this world he had come across so far.