[color=0072bc]"Husks? How did they... Reezan, Sena, Fall back to the door and link up with Fisher!"[/color] Tarrin called into the comms. He saw Fisher, but not the quarians, they had slipped inside early [color=0072bc]"Damn it. Fisher, what are you doing? Get in after them. Rear team, breach now! Let's move in Hawke!"[/color] The turian moved quick for his age, closing the gap between their covered position and the doorway in just a few seconds. It slid open and he entered the dark interior, Hawke just behind him. [color=39b54a]"I recognize this design. Alliance pre-fab 328-47b. There should be a stairway along the west side wall of the main chamber, leads up to a control room. Of course these damned hallways are in the way. Let's see.... Forward to the first junction, up the left path, then right."[/color] A husk stumbled into view, Tarrin raised his rifle and put a blast between its eyes, no telling how many of the abominations were in here, or how they had gotten here. He spoke into the comms. [color=0072bc]"Team, be alert, Reezan was correct. It seems Icarus somehow acquired geth technology and left husks in this facility. Damn things are everywhere. Doesn't seem like any signs of life here apart from them. Hawke and I are heading to the control room in the main chamber, 2nd floor. Converge there, and watch your backs"[/color]