Kali was genuinely surprised to hear that the famous Alakai from WoW was in fact the very same Alakai. He hadn't really spoken much about his past games though she had assumed that he had used a different name like she had. What was even more surprising was Joan's reaction. She couldn't help but wonder if this knowledge would help with Joan's bad behavior towards them. Then again he would probably act all flustered around Alakai and rude to her as he usually was. Not that she entirely minded since she wasn't too bothered by his treatment. "That's impressive," she said jokingly to Alakai as she playfully nudged his arm. "So, this might be an odd question but has anyone here died yet?" she asked rather softly though no one had spoken. "Ah well.. Kacy has. She's out training at the moment, but.. she joined not too long ago," Josie explained. "So she came back with no problem?" Kali asked wanting more details on it. She had been curious but hadn't had the confidence to give it a try. "Well she came back fine. It took a while though, usually in the game it only takes about 30 seconds to resurrect, but Kacy had taken a full minute. She came back fine though," she explained. "We asked her a bit but she said it hadn't felt like she had left the game. She couldn't remember much about what happened in that one minute." Kali only nodded wondering a bit about it herself. It was really hard to say what would happen unless it actually occurred to you. "She's only died once though, she did remember the experience being incredibly unpleasant." She pointed out though the others nodded. The concept of death was frightening because they were unsure if they would really come back or wake up in reality. "Drink up guys! We shouldn't be talking about something so dark," Josie said as she lifted her cup up in the air.