Batman, Superman, Flash, Green Arrow, and Black Canary all stood in front of the new members of the Young Justice Program in the briefing area of Mount justice. The new members had been standing there for a few minutes before Batman took a step forward and began. “All of you have shown great promise, skill, aptitude, and the core qualities of a league member. Because of this, you’ve all been taken from the Teen Titans Initiative and placed in this program. You’re one step closer to being part of the team,” Batman said before he added, “However; this last leg will test you all to your breaking point.” “Indeed,” Superman said as he stepped forward and added, “With this new threat to the league. You’ll have a much higher responsibility resting on your shoulders. This Order of Chaos hasn’t come out and fully explained their plan. However, over the course of three months, members of their group have attacked four major cities.” “Because of the seriousness of this threat, a league meeting has been arranged to discuss this threat. For the time being, Flash will be your den mother until we come up with a plan for this group,” Batman said. “Yeah, would be cool to sit with the league, but just sitting around the table talking isn’t all that fun,” Flash said just before Batman nodded to the rest of the league members. They walked over to the teleporter before being teleported to the watch tower. Flash looked from the teleporter to the new group. “So, with anew team, maybe we could all go around the room and say something about ourselves?” Flash said as he chuckled before he added, “but in all seriousness. A good team functions better when all the team members know what to expect out of each other. so just say your name and abilities. this way your team wont just rush in blind.” [@DriveEMOut][@Dark Light][@mattmanganon][@olcharlieboi][@caliban22][@RumikoOhara][@Weird Tales][@Simple Unicycle][@Spinosaurus]