[youtube=lsz5ijRQvUY]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lsz5ijRQvUY[/youtube] The Branch of Fate and the world itself hinged on a young man with white hair and a good heart. Corrin was the center piece of everything. Raised in Nohr too a family who loved him despite the darkness surrounding the world his siblings were raised in. The constant struggle of living in a home that was all too closed off made him close to all four of his siblings. It was a deep love that forged the Nohr siblings to their adopted brother. But he was not of Nohr's heritage but of a kingdom far away a rival known as Hoshido. What Hoshido was is a direct opposite of it's rival. Bountiful, beautiful, and graceful the kingdom stood a beacon of light in the ever looming darkness content in their own ways. Corrin grew to love his birth family be it Ryoma the stalwart older brother, or Sakura the kind if not shy younger sister. Even Hinoka the prideful older sister and Takumi the stern and brash second prince. In the short time he knew them he found a new life he could hope to be a part of. However it was not to last. The choice between Birthrights and love or Conquest and Lies...it was a odd road for one so young as he was. Torn between loyalty to all he ever knew instilled into him by his big brother whom himself was guided by a dark path, Xander, reached out to his beloved prince asking for his help. In contrast Hoshido's Ryoma the proud noble Prince of Hoshido and future king grabbed his young brother's other hand and demanded he come with him to protect the people and to right a wrong done on their family. But what if the Branch of Fate broke off? What if Corrin didn't survive that fateful day at the crossroads between Nohr and Hoshido? What would've became of both nations? What if Corrin in his heart jumped into the fight between Xander and Ryoma...and was felled in the process? This roleplay will explore a path where men and women from both sides fight to unify the lands torn from war. Refusing to help either side instead vowing the unite both lands by force and love? This path will be led by a young noble from Cyrkensia of Nestra a young warrior going by the name of Audric. He is not chosen by fate but he seeks to remove the hatred by both sides peacefully or not. He witnessed the death of Corrin first hand that fateful day and he was inspired to follow the ideals set along by the naive prince. Not marked for fate, or destiny, or even blood this young man seeks a path too find a true peace. Will he be able to achieve it or will he fall too weak to grasp at the power that Corrin would've been able to? Will Nohr and Hoshido fight too a blood conclusion with one side a broken victor? Or will the young noble's misfit band be able to convince them too unite together? Perhaps even uncover a darker underbelly that is guiding this whole escapade? === [IMG]https://s3.amazonaws.com/colorslive/png/2881516-_RMIQDMPGZcZIcT3.png[/IMG] ==== [IMG]https://40.media.tumblr.com/ffc8fe6420b271cb5bb53848affa34c3/tumblr_inline_np8mj2mfyP1rk0slw_540.png[/IMG] FAQ/Rules: 1. This will be a roleplay with a standard of adept roleplaying. I'm not expecting an overwhelming amount of detail but I do expect effort to be put into characterization. Three sentences do not make a personality, or a bio in my eyes. 2. There will be no stats unless you personally want to make up a set for a character. I don't know how to work them into a text based roleplay. 3. You may be from Hoshido or Nohr but not Valla or any of the deep realms. 4. This story will be a mix between Conquest and Birthright with canon characters appearing but none of them will stick with the main group. Xander and Ryoma will be the boss characters for Nohr and Hoshido as reoccurring enemies. There will be spoilers for Birthright and Conquest through the story. 5. Dragons are off the board as there are no other dragons present in the game as units but Corrin and his children throughout the game. Wolfskin and Kitsune are allowed. 6. You may not start out as a promoted class. I will allow one 'jeigan' archetype if a player wishes to fulfill that role. 7. The removed magical archetype of 'Light' will be present through this story. Monks and bishops will show up and they will contrast the dark mages. This is a personal choice of mine as I view the removal of Light from the recent games to be really unfair in some regards. You may also play the pirate class 8. You may be from a noble family that is not the royal family. In other words you can be someone from a well off or respected lineage or even a courtier of one of the families but you can't be related to Xander, Ryoma, Takumi, etc. 9. Custom Classes aren't allowed for simplicity's sake. 10. The roleplay will start off on the Branch of Fate and will progress on from there. At the base minimum there will be three characters that will be with us from the start: My character the unnamed noble who will be the [B][U]pseudo[/U][/B] main character of the story, a samurai from Hoshido, and a villager from Nohr. You may pick a samurai or a villager still these two are simply going to be story important NPC's who will grant insight into their respective realms when there is no one else who can. ==== Character Roster: Audric - Heir of Light - VanceXentan Monk - Reserved Emerald - The Healing Beauty - MechonRaptor Taka Hadakoto - The Avenger Outlaw - Cloudystar Cecelia - The Nine Tailed Traveler - Rogue Colm ==== NPC Roster: Milow of Nohr - Villager Saito of Hoshido - Samurai ==== Character Sheet: Name: Nicknames: Age: Gender: Class: Home country: (Hoshido, Nohr, Ice Tribe, Nestra, Cheve, etc) Appearance: (Written or picture) - Personality: Biography/history: - Weapons: (Nothing above steel for starting CS's) Items: (Vulnaries, elixirs, etc.) Other: (for anything that I may have missed) ====