In a forum abroad in a mistier and rosier time, there existed for a brief moment a politics RP I and a friend of mine built. The RP was set in a medieval fantasy world. In which we took in different races, but the baseline was rather consistently human. In any event, it came to a slow death once my friend disappeared. But it wasn't really the first time for this RP. In truth, we had taken in on ourselves to revive a similar RP when its own GM had abandoned it. The lack of his existence having lead to a loss of control within the people already in the RP and a feeling of limbo for anyone who sought to get in. So me and my friend being the wise generous people we were: we rebuilt it. I redraw the map and crafted region specification and my friend did the same. But in any event, as I look at the Nations RP section here I do see a rather brow-raising plethora of contemporary or post-contemporary politics RPs set either in our world, or a fantasy world that looks to operate as our own I feel that maybe diversity will be a good thing. And that what could be used is a good sword-swinging, axe-wielding, and armor-clad mass joust-fest with all the trimmings for medieval politics with a slight chance of lizard people. Also though I may not hold anyone to it, I would like to note that if I do launch this I will most likely taking my own part with my own state and playing that not as a single entity but as the collection of entities and characters it is. I will expect that of anyone else, and much prefer it. Though it won't be enforced as a rule. Though I will state I absolutely hate stuff like: "WALL CONSTRUCTION 49/100" And this RP is most likely fantasy in-so-far as non-human races go in a fictional world. Though it is best to keep in mind that I consider the humans the baseline and I don't like people stepping in with uber-strong steel-skin ogres who are covered in a thick scales resistant to a bolt from a crossbow. I will have none of that, it'll need to be kept in a field of reasonability so we don't have armies jetpacking on natural spring-loaded feet; but that's just too silly. And now with that, time to see how this is received.