[@Rex] Charles would watch the league members in front of him and the others, three of the original members had graced their presence and even one of them was being set to watch over them. He would listen as the spoke, saying that the Young Justice program would push them to their breaking points, he would mentally chuckle at this.. he was already past that thanks to what he went though, he has now devoted everything of his to growing stronger and using his powers. This wont be anything new to him. When Flash said they had to introduce themselves and their abilities he would narrow his eyes slightly at this idea, he thought it was pointless but he couldn't disagree with a justice league member in this regard. He would watch one of the others as they introduced themselves, some kind of speedster just like the flash in front of them. He then decided to speak "I am Charles Edward McCloud, The Gamer" he states. "My power turns the virtual mechanics of a Massive Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Game into reality" he tells them "Everything you could do in one of those games, I can do in real life. From leveling, Gaining skills, partying up in a special system, and more." he states "It's strong point is it's possible verity of uses, from being a support to a front liner" he states to them. "You name it, I can eventually do it I just need to find the method and spend time training it" he states.