Travis watched on silently as Batman and Superman explained the Young Justice Program, arms crossed and a bored expression under his faceless mask. 'We already know this,' he thought to himself, 'though I suppose it's customary that all new members get this spiel.' He was surrounded by 9 other people excluding the League, and he knew none of them (again, excluding the League). He wondered if Vic was proud of him for a moment, but was snapped out of the thought as the League left, leaving Flash behind as he would watch over them. He then asked if people would introduce themselves and explain their powers. A red-headed girl who looked to be a year younger than Travis went, and she told them her name and alias, then explained she had superspeed before showing the group. 'Referring hero is more than likely the Flash,' Travis thought, 'and her name is rather redundant.' Then, a boy with an odd hair color went. He seemed rather young to Travis, though the minimum age for the program was 19, so Travis concluded that he was that old ('Unless it's one of those 'older than they look' kind of deals,' Travis thought). He told the group his name and alias, as was customary, then explained his power. It was rather interesting to Travis, and he couldn't wait to see it in action. 'Referring hero not known,' Travis thought, 'and he looks really frigging young.' So, Travis decided to go next. He stepped forward, nodding to the rest and saying: "I am The Question. My power is precognition, which means I can see glimpses of the future before they happen. My referring hero is the original Question, Charles Victor Szasz, or Vic Sage, who passed away two years ago. You're probably wondering why I didn't tell you my real name before my alias. 'What is it?' I hear you ask... Good question." And with that, he went back to where he was standing without another word.