(Lore Transfer from Interest Check) Ever play one of those 4X games? eXplore, eXpand, eXploit, eXterminate? Suppose you've reached the endgame, finished all the technologies, and took over most of the known galaxy. What happens now? Well, buckle up soldier, because you're getting a front row seat. You are the crew of a Crescent Empire star carrier, the most powerful vessel in the galaxy. You can destroy planets and stars, create life, travel through time, and generally kick ass. Your ship has a complement of Warp Fighters aboard as well. Warp Fighters are manned starfighters able to transform between bipedal mech and high-performance interceptor as the mission demands. Though most of the systems can be and are automated, Imperial military doctrine requires that wars be fought with lives on the line, so no remote drones for you. The dirty little secret that the Empire isn't telling you is that it's falling apart. All this "perfection" comes at a great price, and your civilization was unprepared to pay it. People are spontaneously transforming into monsters, robots are becoming sentient and rebellious, and mysterious advanced aliens wielding the Empire's own tech have begun advancing on its colonies. Your mission is to restore order and peace to the Empire. You have the whole fleet at your command, and even a member of the ruling Council has joined your crew. Good luck!