[h3][color=29afdd]Lilisette the Kirlia[/color][/h3][b][Folio Town - Eastern Residential District][/b] [@Light Lord][@Shiny Keldeo] Once she made it to the aforementioned door, Lilisette let out a sigh. [color=29afdd]"I feel bad about making Ember come. I think she'll have a lot of fun, but... she really doesn't seem to feel that way. I wonder if Selena's the same, too. Ember... isn't exactly the type of person I thought would be afraid of parties. She's the type that seems like she'd just absolutely adore them, you know? Selena though... I'd understand if she said no. Ugh, I just... I just..."[/color] Hanging her head, she let out a sigh before raising her hand to the door, [color=29afdd]"I'll knock. I can take the blame, too. It wouldn't be the first time I've been yelled at."[/color] Taking in a deep breath, Lilisette knocked on the door as loudly as she could. [color=29afdd][i]I wonder if we made the right choice...[/i][/color] [h3][color=ee98ab]Relm the Sylveon[/color][/h3][b][Folio Town - Glyph's Guild][/b] [@Light Lord][@Shiny Keldeo] [color=ee98ab]"Dia? I'll be thure I thank him perthonally later."[/color] With a smile, one of his feelers went under his chin in a thoughtful position. [color=ee98ab]"Whenever we decide upon a new dance, it'th alwayth a lot of planning. Either mythelf or one of the thenior dancerth mutht choreograph the thene—which is theveral dayth worth of work in ithelf. Once thath finithed, I prethent the dance to the group. Once everyone hath an idea of what they're thuppothed to do, I then work with each dancer individually to perfect the routine."[/color] With a smile he continued, [color=ee98ab]"For my thenior memberth, thyncing their motionth with the otherth cometh as thecond nature. However, for our newer memberth, it taketh quite a bit of time, and practice."[/color] The Sableye at the other end of the table had been staring at the pair now for longer than what would typically be considered a glance. [color=ee98ab]"I know you claim you're not popular, but..."[/color] Using a feeler to point out Letho, he continued, [color=ee98ab]"What do you make of that? He'th been tharing at us for a bit, now."[/color]