[Center][color=orange][H1]Darius[/H1][/color][/Center] Following Romeo, Darius took a moment to think about what was going on around him. Apparently his mark had been spot on for what had happened to Hilde and Rich. This Faran seemed to embody what most humans thought of magi, and that in and of itself made him happily consider helping them get him, since he wanted to repair relations or at least try to find out what started this whole conflict. But he wan't too sure about it. His own moral compass knew that he couldn't just take their word for it, but his gut was telling him that they were trustworthy. Either way, he reached into his pack and he pulled out a few of his throwing knives just in case something happened on the way to the safe area. When they stopped for a short moment, he looked behind him at who he figured was the leader of this little group. From the quick glance, he noted he air she held around herself and remembered how quickly she had assessed her situations. As they started moving again, he realized that this was probably one of the best and worst situations to be in as of this moment.