[center][b][color=blue][u][h2]Arden[/h2][/u][/color][/b] [/center] [hr][hr] Arden stood at the back of the group, hovering half a foot off the ground so he could see over all the other people. There was after all quite the small crowd gathered. At the front the true hero's talked to the young group, explaining things and setting expectations. These people were hero's of legend with so many great deeds to their name that they were beyond famous, immortalised in the minds of many. Yet strangely Arden was not phased nor in awe of their presence, he thought very little of it and and his concentration reflected this. While he might be immune to notoriety and status, he was surely not immune to the driving hormones of an adolescent teenage boy. As the others before him moved about and spoke, Arden found himself daydreaming while staring at Black Canary. A sudden silence startled him and he looked around the room to see most eyes staring at him expectantly. Bashfully he shrugged his shoulders and gently touched down on the ground. An awkward moment passed where his gaze flitted about amongst the feet in the room, unable to meet anyone's gaze. Finally when the rosy soft red left his cheeks he opens his mouth, a soft, nearly inaudible deep hum resonates as if separate from his actions but synchronistically timed together. Every one would suddenly feel the extra weight on their shoulders, every limb and body part suddenly growing an extra twenty percent heavier. It only lasted but a short moment. Arden looked down again and continued to shrink into himself hoping that would be enough to sedate the curiosity of his peers.