[@Sophrus] Accepted! No complaints, really. Glad to have a Combat Medic. Post your sheet in the Characters tab. [@Dannyrulx] Almost everything is okay, though your insistence on carrying unusual and unique equipment continues to grate and amuse. :hehe PM me the contents of the 13" box. Lastly, the final part of your character's biography doesn't entirely add up, since Arbites don't travel to worlds other than the one they're stationed on (or at least not on Aphrodus Primaris), unless of course when recruited by an Inquisitor or transferred. Did the part with the Genestealer Magus happen before he was stationed on Aphrodus Primaris? [@Themerlinhawk] My only gripe is that Strike Team Omicron was founded a few weeks before the start of the RP, not years ago as your character's biography seems to suggest. Other than that, Uriah seems like the kind of leader we need. Sorry for the delay in giving feedback, I was ambushed by the release of Skyrim's Special Edition. "I'll just fire it up and see what's new," Hank said. [img]http://i.imgur.com/yTRTKbv.png[/img] Oops.