[center][h3][color=ed1c24]Myno[/color][/h3][/center] With the tensions rising, Myno was awakened by the King of Archanea. He didn't mind. He could pay them back for giving him a new place to call home. Now, here he was, at the pass, strolling around the human encampment. There hadn't been much changes in terms of weaponry and tactics from the fight with Gaia so he was sure he could at least manage to get a good grip on the fighting nowadays. But he was worried about the Dwarven Kingdom. Last he saw them, they already were advancing at a fast rate. Who knows where they were now. Although the rise of Varjo did shock him since Razelia was such a prosperous nation but he soon came to terms with it after history has been explained to him. New rulers, tyrannical rulers, came up and changed Razelia to a bandit wonderland. Guess the world just works in different ways. His feet was leading him to the 'regiment' he was assigned to. Myno was not sure whether he could even call it a regiment. It must've just been a ragtag group of soldiers who were roped into this. While the Manakete did not mind, considering that he fought in many groups like this back in the war, it was odd seeing as this was a formal meeting between the representatives of the Dwarves and the representatives of the Concilium. Why an unofficial group like this was here was beyond him. But he guessed he'll find out soon enough. Reaching the small bonfire where the group was stationed around, he lowered his hood as to not seem disrespectful. Then a man spoke up, the leader, and began telling them that the group was more like Chrom's group, the Shepherds. An interesting legend, that was. It seems the man was trying to pep them up. Honestly, Myno wasn't too disappointed with the team. After all, it seemed like everyone was capable and at least they had some variety. Jarde Devaron. Okay, so this is the de facto leader of this unorthodox unit. Then the man said that they should introduce themselves. He stepped up first. [color=ed1c24]"My name is Myno, a Manakete who fought in the Gaia War."[/color] Those were the only words he said before stepping back down, the action saying that he was done. He wasn't sure what else he should say. His home? What happened to his family? No thanks. This was just introduction. His name and what race he is should suffice for them.