Taka came into the camp still keeping his handband on to keep the white hair from getting too messy. However, his immediate reaction to joining the camp was to go to the kitchen tent and grab some extra food to feast on. Upon reaching the tent, he was greeted with much taller and bigger soldiers who were quite aggressive-looking in his eyes. He quickly shoots an arrow across the tent, that ended up hitting the ground, to distract the soldiers as he mischievously grabs a few plates of food. After his little heist to grab an extra meal, Taka approaches the meeting point that he was instructed to go to from directions on a letter he received. Listening and eating his food patiently as Jarde gave his speech, he waves and offers his new commander a snack from the plates he stole. His introduction of himself was quite nice, thought Taka, seems like a respectable man...hopefully honorable too. After the Manakete spoke, he began his own introduction. "The name is Taka...an Outlaw from the city of Archanea. Please don't put me on the front lines...would much rather if you have me out back using my bow."