[img]http://fontmeme.com/freefonts/img.php?f=15191&s=65&t=Armor&c=DC143C[/img] [img]http://i1095.photobucket.com/albums/i462/xXxTLCxXx/3427fb43-3ddb-4e48-b2a9-d14cff22c1bd_zps7a618a4b.png[/img] [color=DC143C][I][b]Types of armor[/b][/I][/color] [list][*] Leather armor [*] Ring armor, heavy metal rings on leather [*] Scale armor, scales made of a rigid material (boiled leather, horn, or metal) sewn or riveted in overlapping rows (top-to-bottom) onto a leather backing [*] Brigandine, small steel or iron plates riveted in place between layers of leather or canvas [*] Coat of plates, same as brigandine but with substantially larger plates [*] Splinted armor, another leather/plate hybrid with the leather only used as a backing [*] Lamellar armor, similar to scale armor expect the scales are typically laced to each other and are in rows in a bottom-to-top pattern [*] Mail armor, also called "chain mail," made of interlocking steel or iron rings that are riveted closed [*] Plate armor, strongest type of armor, formed of iron or steel plates that fit together by a system of rivets and straps [/list] [hider=Visual examples] [img]http://www.mercwars.com/images/LeatherArmor.JPG[/img]Leather armor [img]http://www.mercwars.com/images/RingArmor.JPG[/img]Ring armor [img]https://tse4.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.M75160d8d714bffd9674f26109c54e181o0&pid=15.1&P=0&w=300&h=300[/img]Scale armor [img]http://www.mercwars.com/images/Brigandine.JPG[/img]Brigandine [img]http://www.mercwars.com/images/WisbyCoat.jpg[/img]Coat of plates [img]http://www.mercwars.com/images/splintedbrac.jpg[/img]Splinted armor [img]https://tse4.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.Mabe664584d6104fdb7302c16ecfa0f8do0&pid=15.1&P=0&w=300&h=300[/img]Lamellar armor [img]http://www.mercwars.com/images/Mail.JPG[/img]Mail armor [img]http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121222210431/rsroleplay/images/5/56/Plate_Armour_Suit_Stationary.jpg[/img]Plate armor [/hider] [color=DC143C][I][b]Anatomy of armor[/b][/I][/color] [list][*] Gambeson, also known as aketon or arming doublet, is a quilted jacket that can be worn underneath armor as a means of protecting against pinching by the armor and to act as a cushion that absorbs some of the impact otherwise transferred to the body. In some cases, poorer troops would wear a thick gambeson as their only armor. [*]Hauberk refers to a chain mail shirt. They are also known as haubergeons and byrnies, depending on the length of the shirt and the time or place in which the armor was worn. The hood, which can also be quilted instead, is known as the coif. [/list] [hider=Visual examples] [img]https://tse3.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.M01ea04e7533cac1d39290feb76260e8bH0&pid=15.1&P=0&w=300&h=300[/img]Gambeson [/hider] [img]http://i1095.photobucket.com/albums/i462/xXxTLCxXx/3427fb43-3ddb-4e48-b2a9-d14cff22c1bd_zps7a618a4b.png[/img] [hider=Sources][list] [*][url=http://www.mercwars.com/armtype.shtml]The Mercenaries Medieval Combat Guild[/url] [/list][/hider]