It pleased Travis that Felix had agreed with his theory about the Paragon's uses. It pleased his more when he found he was right. Per the Untalent's suggestion, we watched Felix extract the Paragon from its case and interacted with it just like last time; but this time, there was intent. The Arch Magi's eye quickly opened to reveal its pupils clouded in white. This confirmed that Paragon was responding and carrying out is function and taking Felix though what Travis could best describe as a vision quest of sorts. Felix eventually came to though grunted as if he was pained by something. Apparently Espial had showed him the location of another Paragon, one an undisclosed island. That was hardly much to go by but Felix further explained that he was denied any further information due to some aura ward in place at that location. Travis immediately took a note of this as it became almost clear that while through this vision, the Paragon seemingly transported the user's aura, or perhaps in another debatable spect; their spirit, to that location they desired via a more ethereal sense. If this was truly fact, how much of it could be made present? And could it be detected by anyone else? Felix's earlier vision of Thadeus determined that it probably not enough for some of equal footing to even take notice. Afterwards, Felix declared he'll be investigating this matter further on his side until breakfast was ready. In the mean time, he gave Travis a rather interesting project to begin working on; the containment or perhaps sealing of the Paragons. Assuming that they were successful in retrieving another Paragon, there was a risk of what two Paragons could do or behave if they were in very close proximity. It was understandable since as observed before, the Paragons, or at least Espial specifically, could literally leach off someone's mana reserves in an instant. That alone was enough to keep the Paragons out of untrained hands. The trouble was that they had hardly any knowledge of Paragons resonating with each other and to what degree or method. Travis would argue that they would actually need to test this before coming up with something concrete. Of course he had to admit that assuming that the test wouldn't kill them in the process could they then draw up a resolution. "I'll see what I can do for the time being," replied Travis as he went over his notes, "There isn't much to go by aside from what we know what the Paragons would do. I have a few ideas in mind though I would feel more confident if we had a little more knowledge to work with."