[center][img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/e8e5a912c0191281d64e69ac9050eecd/tumblr_odkkb5R2GX1vynbodo1_250.gif[/img] [IMG]http://i67.tinypic.com/2rfu69w.png[/IMG][img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/e8e5a912c0191281d64e69ac9050eecd/tumblr_odkkb5R2GX1vynbodo1_250.gif[/img][/center] A jauntily hummed melody drifted in the sea-soaked breeze as it weaved it's way over and around the oblivious people walking the colorfully lit streets. A young girl with long pink braids sat on one of the many street benches with a chocolate ice cream cone in hand. She wore a lacy white blouse without sleeves and a pair of light pink short-shorts with sandals, swinging her legs patiently. If it weren't for her hat, gloves, and scarf, suggesting the idea that she'd at least remembered what month it was, one might think she was sitting on a bench at the beach in the middle of summer. It was a beautiful night for chaos. Her first night in Tanzaku City. Well-- her first [i]real[/i] night, to be exact. Jin couldn't wait to transform-- to let go of the breath she'd been holding in all week. She felt like someone should really give her an award for not murdering every person she knew back at the institution. The girl that broke her crayons, the caretaker that scolded her for always losing her key, the older boy that wouldn't leave her the hell alone.... Truth be told, Jin never really got cold. And she really wanted to wear this outfit her Aunt had bought her the other day. It was pretty-- but nothing like her uniform. Tilting her head back, she watched her breath leave her nose as she hummed, imagining it drifting all the way up into the clouds. Oblivious to the oblivious people giving her strange looks as they passed, Jin mindlessly tuned into a conversation from the bench to her right. Aww... some poor girl was going to be really sad tonight for sure. What a big meanie that guy was. She turned her head as the boy jumped from his seat, staring at his phone. [color=dcc2d0][i]Late! Haha, he's late for something....[/i][/color] She resisted the urge to smile and stood up, staring at the back of the boy's head as he shouted "[color=7bcdc8]Hey![/color]" before bolting down the street. She didn't bother herself with trying to figure out who he was calling to. If she waited much longer, she'd be late as well. Looking past the boy at the gathering shadows, a thin, vulpine grin crept across her face. [color=dcc2d0]Wrong way, guy.[/color] [i]Plop.[/i] Her expression flickered like a faulty light bulb as her eyes eventually came to rest on the glob of chocolate gracing the sidewalk's nonexistent taste buds. An unpleasantly familiar cat strolled out from under the bench and gave her a long stare before proceeding to lick it up. A single tear trembled at the corner of her eye as they started to turn black-- like someone had dropped a droplet of black ink into the whites of her eyes. "[color=dcc2d0]Aw man... That's really rude, Baka. Learn some manners, you stupid cat.[/color]" she seethed, glaring.