[h2][color=a0c9a1]Glyph the Flygon[/color] and [color=MediumVioletRed]Letho the Sableye[/color][/h2][b][Folio Town - Guild Dinning Hall][/b] [@Ninian] Glyph kept his attention on the Fairy dog as he explained the methods of his dance troupe. The Dragon taking occasional sips from a glass of Pinap berry juice as he nodded in understanding. [color=a0c9a1]"Hm...Funny, that actually sounds similar to how we organize our monthly Expeditions. Guiding and directing so many Pokémon is very tedious work, but I am impressed that you are able to do it with such skill! It is truly amazing."[/color] The Guildmaster's domed eyes followed the soft feelers over to where they were directed, and tilted his head in confusion. [color=a0c9a1]"Hm? Do you mean the Blaziken? That is Furno, one of the senior members of my Guild. Apologizes, but I don't quite see what you mean, for it seems like his focus is on his plate."[/color] ~~~ Indeed, the Fire bird's head was tilted downwards on the other side of the table. His cool blue eyes directed not at his plate, but at his shadow cast on the floor beside him. Furno shot a quizzical glance being shot at the inky black puddle, before he developed a knowing smirk on his beak. His voice kept low in volume. [color=firebrick]"There's no use hiding Letho. Ya got busted by Relm from that creepy stare of yours."[/color] The confusion soon returned to the Blaziken's face as he peaked at Glyph and then went back to the inky puddle. [color=firebrick]"..Why ARE you staring at him and the Guildmaster anyways? That's just another weird thing you've been doing since ya got here. What's up with that?"[/color] A row of sharp teeth emerged from the Blaze Pokémon's shadow, barring an uncharacteristically worried frown. [color=MediumVioletRed]"It's....Look, I'm gonna be straight with you Furno. I've had a bad day. A [i]really[/i] bad day. And I've just been avoiding the last thing I need to take care of before I can actually be done with it."[/color] A black blob melted out of the fighter's shade, and formed into a small purple imp with eyes made of gem stones. A tired on Letho's face as he looked up at his Guild mate. [color=MediumVioletRed]"I should probably uh...stop being a pussy and go own up to it, huh?"[/color] A deep frown of concern spread across the bird's beak as he laid a talon on the Sableye's shoulder. [color=firebrick]"Of course you should. And don't hesitate to talk to us about it after alright? We're your friends, and we'd do anything for ya."[/color] The reassurance from his friend caused Letho to smile weakly, a chuckle escaping his dark lips. [color=MediumVioletRed]"Thanks hothead. I might take you up on that later."[/color] With that said, the imp turned around to begin his trek through the busy dinning room and to the side of the Flygon at the other side of the table. ~~~ [color=a0c9a1]"And that is how me and my sister-"[/color] The Mystic Pokémon's story was cut off early as he felt a poke at his left leg. His long neck craned down to look upon the sight of the nervous looking purple Ghost. [color=a0c9a1]"Letho? Ah..."[/color] Turning to look back at Relm, Glyph chuckled. [color=a0c9a1]"Apologizes Relm. We just a moment."[/color] The winged Ground-type then brought his head back over to the Sableye and smiled warmly at him. [color=a0c9a1]"Now, what can I do for you?"[/color] Taking a deep breath, Letho put his two hands together and pointed them at the Guildmaster. [color=MediumVioletRed]"Can I talk to you for a bit? In your office? It's urgent."[/color] A curious frown spread across the Flygon's green muzzle as he looked upon the Guild member, nodding quickly as he stood up and bowed to the Troupe leader beside him. [color=a0c9a1]"Excuse me. This may take a bit longer than expected."[/color] ~~~ [b][Glyph's Guild - Guildmaster's Office][/b] [@Shiny Keldeo] The large, heavy oak doors of the vast office pushed open to the form of said sand dragon strolling through them. Glyph's arms were behind his back as he casually walked across the room, stopping to look to Fuse with an unsure stare. [color=a0c9a1]"Hello, Fuse."[/color] Continuing through the candle lit office, the dragon took his seat in the cushy chair beyond the smooth wood desk to look at both the electrical lion and the minuscule phantom. The tension in the air thick enough to be cut by a blade as he let out a sad sigh. The assumptions of the situation already collecting in his mind. [color=a0c9a1]"Alright, what is it that you two need to inform me of?"[/color] The frowning spirit took a glance at the Luxio, before sighing and looking back up to face the intense eyes of his leader. [color=MediumVioletRed]"We lost Gren. I'm...not sure if he's dead, or what they did, but what I do know is that winged Gardevoir outlaw, and a Greninja, used a horde of Unown to take the kid away right in front of us."[/color] Silence befell the room after those words left Letho's mouth. Glyph bringing a claw to his chin as his frown simply deepened. [color=a0c9a1]"....I....I'm sorry. Letho, Fuse, Breeze as well, you tried your best to assist him, and that is all someone can ask of a Pokémon. But it is dearly important that you tell me everything about what happened, and any details of the assailants that you can recall. Please."[/color]