[center][h1][color=fff79a]New Location!!![/color][/h1] [img]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-VhWXk2ZSP-4/VuQe1MQ68BI/AAAAAAAAfkQ/e8wIr_5Wm_o/w800-h450/mountains%2Bsnow%2Banime%2Borigin%2Bspirits%2Bof%2Bthe%2Bpast%2Bmontagne%2B1920x1080%2Bwallpaper_www.wallpaperhi.com_45.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Atana Mountain Range [b]Location Type:[/b] Village [b]Pokemon Types:[/b] Rock, Ground, Metal, Ice, Water, Dark, Psychic, Fairy, Dragon, Flying [hr] [b]Lore:[/b] The Atana Mountain Range stretches across several hundred miles to the far north of Central City where the air is colder and crisper to the touch. The magnificence of the mountains draws many a hiker and nature lover, but trainers and researchers will also find themselves travelling far and wide to journey up the mountain and into its secret caverns where a multitude of rare Pokemon are said to dwell. The Atana Caverns are divided into two types: Icy and Deep. The Icy Atana Caverns are the shallower caverns found upwards the mountain where Ice, Dark, Water, Ground, and Rock type Pokemon have been documented to dwell. Journey far enough into a cavern and you will find yourself within the Deep Atana Caverns—caverns full of rare and mysterious Pokemon. Here trainers have been said to find Dark, Psychic, Fairy, Water, Rock, Ground, Metal, Ice, and Dragon Pokemon. Venturing into the caverns can be hazardous as the caverns are a sort of labyrinth in their own right, almost completely untouched by civilization. If lucky, a trainer may even come across a cavern full of natural crystals and gems, although respect for the mountain often persuades trainers not to pilfer its beauties. Outside, the mountain is still a treacherous place often billowing with blizzards and pitfalls of snow or even the rare avalaunch. If trainers are not careful, they will easily find themselves injured or worse, so Poke Corp guidelines recommend that only experienced trainers attempt the hike into the labyrinth of caverns or to the mountain’s peak. As one of the tallest mountains in the region, the view from the top of Mt. Atana is awe-inspiring as one will be able to see for miles and miles around, with the ocean on one side and the rest of the region on the other. Towards the top of the mountain trainers can find Ice, Rock, Ground, Metal, and Flying type Pokemon. However, some have reported sightings of dragon types that have wandered outside the mountain or simply journeyed out to stretch their wings. Such sightings have only been documented a few times as most dragon types stay well within the safety of the caverns. The legends of Kyurem, the dual ice-dragon type legendary stem from the peaks of Mt. Atana where it is said that lucky trainers may catch a sight of the fantastical Pokemon when it is not deep in slumber somewhere in the heart of the mountain’s labyrinth of caverns. Rayquaza, the lord of the skies, is also said to grace the peak of Mt. Atana with his presence at times, clearing the stormy clouds that so often bring blizzards in their wake to reveal the brilliantly blue skies. The tales these two legendary dragons have spread far and wide since locals enjoy telling stories of such sightings to tourists and travelers, but there is no substantial evidence to prove any of the stories true. Rather, visitors are encouraged to visit the icy shrine located in a cave towards the top of the mountain and see the extremely lifelike rendering of Regice that locals take such pride in. The shrine has been there for as long as memory goes, as has the statue, so there is no reason to believe that it is anything but. However, locals still advise travellers not to touch lest they incur the wrath of the legendary Pokemon that was said to have occupied the hidden cave so many years ago. [hr] [h3]Atana Range Pit Stops:[/h3] [i]Scattered throughout the lower parts of the range as well as at the foot of the mountains, these small-sized shops offer what trainers absolutely cannot go without. These shops cater towards skilled trainers rather than beginners due to their location.[/i] [hider=Items in Stock][indent] [b]*Great Ball:[/b] 20 points: Skilled Item - Use this item to catch middle tier Pokemon in your area. [b]*Super Potion:[/b] 10 points: Skilled Battle Item - Use this item to heal 20 HP of one Pokemon. [b]*Ice Heal:[/b] 5 points: Skilled Battle Item - Use this item to cure a Pokemon from ‘Freeze'. [/indent][/hider] [hr] [h3]Atana Mountain Range Mission Board[/h3] [i]At the foot of Mt. Atana is a large bulletin board encased in glass where the locals post up their requests for trainers brave enough to scale the mountain or venture into the caverns. Skilled trainers also post requests here to test other trainers, and trainers who wish to take a request can simply request the pit stop owner to open the case for them so they can retrieve the correct paper.[/i] [hider=Available Missions][b][i]The bulletin is as white as the snow below it, empty and without a single request in sight..[/i][/b] [/hider]