[center][h1][color=a187be]Violet Braddock [/color][/h1][/center] [center][img]https://s20.postimg.org/pr78078dp/1cffaad95f200f068b2542c906426b74.jpg[/img][/center] Violet looked at Mithias and smiled.[color=a187be] "Indeed, we are not here to argue with each other. We are here to plan the demise of my progeny."[/color] Violet felt all eyes go to her. No one had ever known who turned Dracula so this was quite a revelation. She continued, [color=a187be]"Make no mistake, I haven't had any contact with him after the first couple of hours. He probably wouldn't recognize me as his maker. I do however keep an eye on those I've turned."[/color] Violet watched the others as Piper signaled the wolves to remove themselves from the house. Her fangs and claws retracted and she looked at Violet and spoke. [color=fff200]"He is YOUR progeny and you didn't do anything to stop him?"[/color] Violet looked at her a little like an adult speaking to a very small child. [color=a187be]"Piper, I, like most here have many progeny. Once they are turned it is up to them how to behave not the maker. I have decided he is too dangerous to our survival. It matters not to me who his maker is. For that matter by default you and Nora are also in my bloodline. Is it your fault that he is a psychotic mass murderer? Should you be held accountable for him? I think not."[/color] [@wraithblade6][@ojo chan 42][@blackpanther][@dabombjk]