[center][h3][color=ed1c24]Myno[/color][/h3][/center] An outlaw... from Archanea? From what he observed in the days that he was awake, the King was anything but lax in his security. So why was an outlaw like this one roaming around? However, this was no time to bear animosity to the rule-breaker, considering that they would be allies from now on. He then turned his head to the next one who introduced herself, a maid. Normally, Myno would be struck with disbelief that a maid, of all people, would be picked for this kind of group. They were going to battle, not serving a master in household chores. However, her appearances might not let it on, but she did seem competent. Some of the maids at the King's palace were no joke either, so he assumed this one wasn't as well. Before someone else could introduce himself, the strong smell of meat travelled its way to his nose. He searched for the source and ended up looking at the outlaw, Taka, who was holding out a slab of meat to him and an apple to the maid, who never said her name. Myno was debating whether or not to take the meat from the outlaw. He had just gotten his fair share... or rather, plentiful share of food earlier on, thanks to the generosity of a General from Archanea who knew of him. Before he could decide, another man introduced himself. Tactician? Well, this is a good addition. Tacticians tended to lead their groups to victory with their strategies and quick-thinking. Perfect. As much as Myno could probably take out a chunk of enemies just recklessly diving into the enemy forces, he at least wanted to get back alive. The man was straight to the point too, good. [color=ed1c24]"I'm a Manakete, Alfred. I can fly and breathe out fire. Although I'm not used to it, I can probably still fight in close ranged using my claws and teeth."[/color] Then another one introduced herself, this time being a noble. Although it was odd to hear that she used a bow, from what she said. Last he heard, most nobles took the sword. But since she seemed skilled and confident. He turned back to Taka, who spoke once again. He seemed to be nervous around them, claiming that he was only a mere outlaw and that he could just be replaced with a hero. Now this person was not as confident as the others. The next one was someone who looked similar to him - pointed ears, no armor and that pendant of hers had a very familiar stone. A Dragonstone. When she spoke, however, Myno was quite surprised. She spoke so fast. Although he managed to catch Nyx and Gaia. She was probably as old as him, maybe a little bit younger, but they both experienced the war. Interesting. He would like to go speak with her later. It had been quite a while since he had met another Manakete, considering his long slumber and the death of his family. He then turned to Roane. She stopped, for some odd reason, and then continued. He then turned to the wyvern. Huh... he never wrestled with a friendly wyvern before. He wondered how that would go. It would be good exercise too. After that, however, the wyvern quickly scurried off to Taka, presumable because of the food the outlaw carried.