[quote=@vancexentan] Possibly. But I would see them limiting desires as well. Both of them have been big game changes. Especially desires with decks like shiranui. Mill 10? Lol ok I'll just omega them back into the grave. [/quote] True. To be honest I find It a little annoying when the first player, ususally has the much better chance to win due to the fact they have the possibility to combo off first. But nothing beats ruining your opponents day with a deck that contains 13 trap holes and the will to use them and a sideboard that (now anyways) contains Cherries and the key cards from most meta decks (cough dante) and it works pretty well as an anti meta deck. Sure its not a 100% winrate but that is to be expected. Honestly sometimes I thick Yugioh is a little rapid for its own good with the new archetypes.