[center][b]Hello there :D[/b][/center] I’m rather bored and want to get a couple more rps going. I don’t have specific plots though and I tend to stay away from pairings and fandom. Soooo there are a few ‘worlds’ describe below and hopefully one of them interests you! :D However, before we get into the plots, here’s a bit about what you should know and what I’m looking for! - Casual ~ To me this means you can post around 2 or so paragraphs on average. I post about 3 sometimes more or less depending on what is occurring in the roleplay. - Characters ~ I know a lot of 1x1s are solely two characters but I prefer having multiple! A cast of characters is usually much more enjoyable than having strictly 2. If we must do 2 only, I prefer having the female role. - Mature Stuff ~ I am 18+ but most of my roleplays don’t involve many 18+ themes. However, I am open to darker and grittier stories but please be 18+! Also, I do have characters that swear A LOT so please tell me ahead of time if they might bother you. - Romance ~ It isn’t a must or the focus of the rp. I don’t require it but it is nice to have every now and then. I usually do MxF but I am open to MxM or FxF [hr] [center][b]The Worlds[/b][/center] [hider=Oasis] [i]”Welcome to the Oasis.. For those who live here, it is either paradise or hell."[/i] It’s an alternate/futuristic society. In a small state surrounded by high walls and a strong army, there is both heaven and hell. The state has named it’s self Oasis, claiming it is like an oasis for all humans. However, whether or not it truly is is completely based on the mark you are given during your time of ‘defrost’. Defrost is another name for what many would consider birth. Birth doesn’t happen normally anymore. Everyone is created in a lab and aren’t able to actually open their eyes until the ripe age of 20. They are released from their tubs and get randomly sorted into 3 classes. There’s the upper class, their jobs are often luxurious ones, usually as the scientists, politicians, and other high positions in society. More often than not, they rarely have to lift a finger and live a more than comfortable life. Right below them is the middle class. The middle class are usually assistants, managers, and officers. They do not have any power but still live a fairly comfortable life yet struggle more than the upper class. Finally, there’s the lower class. The lower class lives in complete hell. They are the hard workers, the laborers who put do the dangerous jobs like mining. Some of them don’t even have jobs and are forced to live off the streets. These three classes are kept very separate from each other. Marriage is allowed for people in the same class only. It’s forbidden to have children as well. Children are considered filth and often times, the government throws them outside the walls regardless of age. Perhaps it’s up to our characters to break a few rules and try to break down the walls this society has formed between people. [/hider] [hider=TAKEN] [i]”You’re not cursed are you? To be cursed, means an early grave."[/i] It’s a medieval fantasy. There is a small town located outside the rule of nearby kingdoms. It is no-mans land and considered a place of evil. The person who over-rules this town is a witch. Some consider her fair and just while others find her to be quite horrid. The latter is more likely. She has rule over her land for quite some time and has trapped the people of the within her borders as well as any travelers that dare to wander through. They are loyal to her out of the many decades of fear. The witch has ruled for many generations and has kept her power by a curse. It is a curse that slowly drives the minds of it’s victims insane. It doesn’t begin until around the age of 20. Those cursed will begin to see strange creatures and are often haunted by nightmares. More often than not, it the curse leads it’s victims to an early grave. The witch promises her people mercy from the curse at the price of taxes and loyalty. Many families have sworn their loyalty to her in order to avoid themselves as well as loved ones suffering from the curse. The town has little hope of ever escaping from this misery. However, there is a bleak and unknown ray of light that resides in the power of the witch’s own daughter as well as a witch hunter that has entered the town. (Would be willing to do 2 characters for this one) [/hider]