[center][h1] [color=ed1c24]Jon's demise[/color] [/h1][/center] collaboration with [@caits] and [@dabombjk] Matt was setting up in the medical room when he heard Sasha crying. He went into the room next door and wrapped his arms around her. He kissed the top of her head hugging her hard to him. Matt was trying to look at the good and not remember what happened at the last school. He didn't think he could survive that again. Matt mumbled into her ear. [color=00aeef]"We are going to be okay here. We won't have to worry as much. The building is solid and we don't get earthquakes in Texas they way that they do in California. I'll do everything in my power to keep you and Gracie safe."[/color] He held her while she cried. Slowly, comforted, Sasha gained control, and she rubbed at her eyes, the tears stopping. She shook her head,[color=f7941d]"I know, its not that. I just...miss my parents"[/color] she said softly, reaching over to pick up the photo again. She hadn't taken it out once, and now...[color=f7941d]"They were looking for me. They could have gotten out"[/color] She stared at the photo, sure of that. Kyle walked into the school with Nikki and Matt, Matt leaving them to go manuever around his own devices. He folllowed Nikki, arm in arm with her, to their new room. He would still need to bring in his bags from his own car, but for the moment their new room was set up to Nikki's taste. When the walked in, Kyle let go of Nikki and his eyes wandered around the room. He walked over and sat on the bed, stretching his arms. [color=004b80]"Babe, nice room. Hope it doesnt...you know...end up the same as our last room. You know like in flames."[/color] Kyle laughed then winced from his bruises. Nikki smirked at Kyle's comment. [color=f49ac2]"Yeah well that would be nice. I think we will be better off because we are further out and there are less walkers out here. Mother nature wiping out our home was just bad luck."[/color] Nikki stopped speaking and turned and ran out of the room to the bathroom across the hall. When she returned a few minutes later she glared at Kyle in the most irritated way. [color=f49ac2]"This is your fault. You and the baby both hate me. What did my poor stomach ever do to you?"[/color] Ingrid came in just a moment later and chuckled seeing a pillow go flying at Kyle's head. [color=8dc73f]"Did ya see where Jon went? Tha sneaky bastard has disappeared on me again. Always trying to do things before he is ready to."[/color] Nikki grinned still a little green around the gills. [color=f49ac2]"Sorry I haven't seen him in a while. Last time, he was outside by the gates getting the guards set up." [/color] [color=8dc73f]"Okay, Miss Gracie is gonna hang out with you while I go look for my man."[/color] Nikki was immediately handed a giggling baby who kicked her in the stomach as she went into her arms. Nikki just about doubled over and tickled the baby. [color=f49ac2]"Ah Grace not you too! My poor tummy."[/color] She set the baby down and watched her climb onto Kyle and jump on his stomach full force. [color=f49ac2]"Serves you right!" [/color] Ingrid chuckled on her way out. Matt hugged Sasha. [color=00aeef]"I lost mine too. Mine didn't even have the comfort of being with or near each other. Nikki had to put our mom down and Dad was in a high rise downtown. There is no chance he got out of there alive. Nikki and I don't talk about them often. It's not something we had any control over so we try not to dwell on it. I understand though." [/color] Kyle nearly doubled over as little miss Gracie jumped on his stomach. But when he recovered he laughed and held Gracie in the air and ever so slightly threw her in the air, then caught her. [color=004b80]"Silly girl, Pain hurts people!"[/color] Kyle put Gracie on his shoulders and stood up, shaking ever so slightly to make Gracie bounce more. Sasha gave a soft sigh, [color=f7941d]"It just hit me all at once, that they're gone."[/color] She said, at the time, she hadn't had any time to come to terms with what had happened, and afterwards...she just hadn't thought on it. [color=f7941d]"I know this place is pretty safe"[/color] Nikki laid on the bed next to where Kyle had been playing with the baby. She closed her eyes and rested for a few minutes. Ingrid went out to the front where the guards were still setting up and she glanced around. [color=8dc73f]"Darius? Have you seen Jon?"[/color] [color=f7941d]"He was over here a little bit ago. He heard something and went to check it out. He went that way."[/color] Ingrid nodded and she went in the direction that he pointed her in. She was feeling sure of the school and of the decision to move there what she wasn't sure of was if Jon was back to his normal self or not. Ingrid saw something odd and as she squinted in the distance she saw something so horrifying she spoke into the walkie in her hand. Her voice trembling, raw with emotion and pain, [color=8dc73f]"Kyle, I found Jon. Come out back and please, hurry."[/color] Ingrid ran across the parking lot to the scene just on the other side of the fence. She couldn't stop the tears. Jon was lying on the ground. She couldn't fathom what happened to make him go outside of the fences. Then she saw it. He had followed a dog. The walker must have caught him off guard because it's bite was viscious and in the neck. It probably was an instant kill. Why in the hell there were pigs eating his remains was another thing entirely. Ingrid waited, watching her walker boyfriend and a dog being eaten by wild pigs and a walker was just more than she could take. Kyles walkie talkie beeped to life, and he pulled out it off his belt from its clip. Immediatley the walkie burst ti life with Ingrids voice. He heard what Ingrid said, looked over at Nikki lying down, then sat baby Gracie next to Nikki. Gracie's disheartened baby talk nearly broke Kyles heart but he patted her on head and smiled. [color=004b80]"In a little bit, we can go vroom vroom. Gotta bounce."[/color] Kyle made sure he had his weapons then kissed Nikki's forehead softly. Then he walked outside and across the parkiing lot to the fence. He saw Ingrid and walked over to her. He was about to say something when he caught sight of the horrible dead body ont he other side of the fence. He put a hand on Ingrids shoulder. [color=004b80]"You know what needs to happen. Do you want to do it or do you want me?"[/color] Ingrid was unable to answer him for a moment. Her voice barely a whisper, [color=8dc73f]"Just do it."[/color] She couldn't watch. Ingrid turned back towards the school and started walking slowly. Blinded by tears and anger she saw Erin come out of the building and when she saw Ingrid she said. [color=fff79a]"Why are you crying? Did Jon die or something?"[/color] At that moment Ingrid became a ferocious beast and she turned back to Erin and before she could say anything her knife had sliced the crazy girl's jugular. She watched the light leave her and then she stabbed her in the head. [color=8dc73f]"That was for Raven you little bitch." [/color] A moment or so later Alex came out and he passed Ingrid and his common sense made him stay away from her. When Alex saw Erin he just walked off. Within a mile he would be eaten by a couple of walkers. Ingrid went inside and locked herself in her room and sobbed. Kyle climbed over the fence, landing on the back of a walker. He pulled his knife out and stabbed the walker in the head. He quickly dispatched the other man killing fiends, then kneeled next to Jon. He wished he could say something inspiring, or something that Jon would have found comforting if he was alive but nothing came to mind. [color=004b80]"Lucky bastard. Went ahead and skipped the damn apocolypse without us huh? Well dont worry. More than likely the rest of us will follow in suit."[/color] Kyle nearly stabbed Jon, then had a thought. He sheathed his knife and pulled out his gun. He looked at it. [color=004b80]"I know its a little risky but.....I mean I guess if it was me I would rather it be a gunshot than a knife stab. Its just....I dont know. But anyways..."[/color] Kyle pointed the barrel of his gun at Jons head and pulled the trigger [color=004b80]"Peace out Jon."[/color] [@kurai assassin][@josephb]