[h1][center][color=39b54a]Daphne Pender[/color][/center][/h1] [hr][center]Location: Crash Site[/center][hr] Daphne was annoyed, it looked like Gideon was going to be working on the shuttle for a while. With Patience running around with her group, it didn't help that they were quite a ways from the ship. Gideon suggested that she leave with Gene to go back to the ship, Dorothy looked like she didn't really care for that idea. When Gene spoke, Daphne felt a little cornered,and didn't know what to do. If they left and something bad happened, she would feel really guilty about leaving them behind. If something bad happened back at the ship and they needed to make an emergency take off, she would feel guilty about not being there. Her mind was struggling to find a solution, one that would make her feel better about her decision. Daphne hated to think of two people stuck out here with Patience close by, without a vehicle. She believed that they had a better chance of survival if more people were nearby in case of a fire fight. Daphne looked over at the others, [color=39b54a]"Well, I think it might be better if we stick around, maybe even for just a few more minutes. It depends on how long the repairs are going to take. If they are going to take more than an hour, I'll head back with Gene".[/color]