[@thedragonsimon]I'm interested in this, but I want to run a character idea by you first. My idea is actually a character I've run in the past in an IRL cWoD campaign. The general gist of it is that he's a private investigator who's well-known for taking cases relating to superstition and paranormal incidents, even after the police had thrown them out as being hoaxes. The thing is, during one such case where he was investigating a cult, he was captured and made the victim of possession by a demon. However, due to a Hunter arriving shortly after the possession, and the following fight, the demon lost his memory of actually being a demon, and believes himself to be the private investigator. My thought is that all this happened prior to the apocalypse, and now the private investigator is using his knowledge of the WoD creatures to dig into why the apocalypse is happening.