[B]Natalie Hawkins[/b] -- [i]End of Lesson One[/i] A shadow had departed from the range, and she could easily perceive who it was. A boy, whose face seemed lined wkth disgust. Instead of stopping him, the Maiden would let him leave. It was not her place to force a student to stay for lessons, noatter how mediocre their accuracy might be. Taking note of his appearance however, she would be certain to talk to him privately later. To see if there was actual interest in learning the wonderful discipline of Archery. As the campers earnestly plucked up their bows and began firing arrows, Natalie would keep herself busy throughout the length of the class. Meandering through the practicing campers, she would pause occasionally to correct mistakes. Ranging from posture to proper breathing, or even getting one or two a proper pull strength bow, she was concise and thorough in her lessons. So well ddi she that by the end of the first lesson, the students who had never shot a bow before could reliably hit close to the center of a target at fifteen meters. If anything, it was a good start. Once the lesson was dismissed however, a slight pang of hunger meant that she needed to grab a snack for a bite to eat. Remaining at the range until the last student had left, she would depart from it as she made for the mess hall to grab of all things, a Granny Smith apple. Unsheathing her knife, she would slice off a small piece and bite into it as she walked. This procession would continue as she wandered through the camp, until she cane upon the tail end of the quest that was given to Alan. Watching on distantly, she took the last bite of her apple and tossed it into a bin as the students clustered around and chattered excitedly as Alan called out who he was going to bring with him. Glancing sideways to Chiron and Mr. D, the Maiden decided that it was wise to mingle with the students a little. Get a feel for the children that she was working with. Even though Maidens were more often than not standoffish with Campers, much due to a turbulent history. Equipping a charming smile, Natalie strode into the midst of the gaggle of students. Oddly enpugh, just in time to hear a boy invite a girl to stay in a cabin woth him. Warily she would eye the stuttering male, suspicoous of his intention. Even though he seemed genuine, Artemis had done her well by teaching her that men weren't to be trusted within any capacity. [B]"Excuse me,"[/b] she interjected softly, glancing between Michael and Celeste, [B]"I do not believe that to be wise, however, I can offer you a chance to stay in my quarters. If you would like."[/b] [@ Caits] [@ Vicier]