[center][img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/e8e5a912c0191281d64e69ac9050eecd/tumblr_odkkb5R2GX1vynbodo1_250.gif[/img] [IMG]http://i67.tinypic.com/2rfu69w.png[/IMG][img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/e8e5a912c0191281d64e69ac9050eecd/tumblr_odkkb5R2GX1vynbodo1_250.gif[/img][/center] [center]May 2nd, 10:40 PM | Tanzaku City's SDF Base[/center] [center][hider=Music][youtube]v=QMNIafdmKCA[/youtube][/hider][/center] Located near the outskirts of the city, black smoke trickled from the broken windows of the main building and panicked men rushed out onto the grounds. Small shadows erupted from the doorways behind them, spilling out onto the grounds in chunky heaps. An alarm blared uselessly within the building, bathing the shadow infested walls in red light. It was anarchy. Shouts of confusion and distress only fueled the fire-- so to speak. Just outside the high, protective concrete walls, other base workers sat at their security desks idly watching videos on their phones or flipping through magazines. "[color=dcc2d0]нσ, нυм...,[/color]" Jinx stifled a yawn as she stretched, a glowing red crown atop her tresses as she sprawled out inside a floating bowl of candies. She rolled over to her stomach and peeked over the side of the bowl, resting her head in her hands and kicking her feet. Below her, several base workers screamed and cried, running for their lives through thick, multi-colored underbrush as a pair of huge living dolls, eyeless and dripping with blood, chased them with loud, buzzing chainsaws. It wasn't her best work, she had to admit. But at least they hadn't resorted to rocking back and forth on the floor and doing nothing. That happened last time and things got really boring really fast. She frowned, peering up at her pink cotton candy sky with her black and gold eyes, maybe it was the dead babies with adult faces. She nodded to herself. That had been a bit too much... or maybe she shouldn't have made the faces look like people they knew. Sure, it made a lot of shadows, but it wasn't very much fun. Outside her force field bubble, pink and writhing with rainbow colors despite the obvious lack of sunlight, controlled flames licked at the walls and entrance ways, making the room very hot. Leo floated throughout the flashing red room, gulping down whatever he could get his mouth on-- rifles, pistols, ammunition, grenades, rocket launchers-- they had it all. She'd felt absolutely giddy upon learning there was a base in Tanzaku City. She'd always wanted to try shooting a gun, and now she'd have a whole arsenal to play around with....