GMPCs: [hider=Gar Halcorr] [h2] Technical data [/h2] [b] Name: [/b] Gar Halcorr [b] Species: [/b] Human [b] Age: [/b] 67 [b] Gender: [/b] Male [b] Faction: [/b] Jedi Rescuers [b] Rank: [/b] Jedi Master [b] Eyes: [/b] Brown eyes [b] Skin:[/b] White Skin [b] Hair:[/b] Grayish white, bleached by age [b] Height:[/b] 182 cm [b] Weight:[/b] 72.6 kg [h2] Concerning you [/h2] [h3][color=bb1212] You are on a mission. How did you dress for it? What else can you say about your looks? [/color][/h3] [hider=picture][img][/img][/hider] What did you expect? A young Warrior? A General in heavy armor? Sorry for disappointing you. Life rarely leads down the expected path. Now, while many a young one prefers tough armor, I wear simple clothes. Mostly because that armor is not at all comfortable. Besides, I can simply stop the attack with my lightsaber and send it right back. Why would I want armor when I can do that, hmm? I am a Jedi Master, not some bounty hunter! I’m supposed to look wise and experienced. How could I look that way if I didn’t wear the robes of a Jedi? Time and experience has made me the way I am. I earned every single one of my wrinkles. . . Decades of war gave me these scars. So, if you be wanting some lessons, ask me. If you want someone to lead the charge into battle, look further. Is that clear enough? My clothes, if you haven’t used your eyes to see, are generally dark brown. Unless I happen to put on some other robes today. You’ll get the idea if you actually open your eyes. My boots, as your should be too, are suited for rough terrain. If you’re wearing something less sensible, ask yourself why. And then regret it, as you’re not likely to find any decent supplies hereabouts. Live with it. When you have earned a beard the likes of mine, maybe you’ll have learned things like that too. But that might just be wishful thinking from my end... [h3][color=bb1212] In order to confront the Sith, you need to be strong. Name one weakness or flaw you have identified but not neutralized. [/color][/h3] Only one? How do you expect me to pick just one? I’ve got a whole freighter’s worth of flaws! I’m old. My bones ache. I don’t remember as well as I once did. I used to be springy and quick. I used to recall things better. When you get to my age, you’ll have all the fun I have with things like these. Trust me. [h3][color=bb1212] Fighting Sith is not easy. How do you plan to use the Force for this? [/color][/h3] I’ll use the Force in whatever ways necessary to free the young ones. Doesn’t matter if they’re knights or padawans… I’ll free them. I ain’t as young as before, but the Force will help me. Besides, the other young ones will take care of all that fighting. Better that way. Not that i’ll be running from a fight if one comes to me, though. I’ll use the full range of the Force to hold my own. The limit doesn’t lie in what I can or cannot do, but rather in what I can think of and what is appropriate at the time. [h3][color=bb1212] Sure, you can use the Force… but what else can you do? [/color][/h3] Have you ever tried jumping out of a starfighter as its crashing down onto a moon’s surface after being crippled by a Sith? I have. It’s not fun. If it’s got engines, I can fly it. If I can get close to something technical, I can disable it. With my lightsaber, y’see. It easily cuts through all sorts of things that are essential to make technology work. I make a mean stew, and I do know my way around nature. I’ve seen it all, so little surprises me these days. Thus, where others fail, I can keep a calm head. I think that’s related to your question, right? [h3][color=bb1212] Something got you to join this mission. What was it? What events shaped your life? [/color][/h3] Hmm… Let’s see… I am a Jedi Master. The Sith captured a number of knights and padawans. I was asked to lead the rescue… What do you think made me decide to join? Where I was born is not only irrelevant, but also none of your business. I was recruited to the Jedi Order Long before your mother gave birth to you. Or laid your egg. Or whatever she did. It doesn’t matter. I went through all the normal stuff. Initiate training. Padawan training, etcetera etcetera. After being knighted, I served the order for several years, and then the war broke out. Being among the more experienced Jedi out there, at least among the human Jedi, I naturally took my place on the battlefield. Proud of myself as I was, I could see no other option. I think I might’ve had a bit of hubris back then, seeing how I initially thought it honorable and glorious to fight the Sith. Thought that it was like the stories of old. A few years later, I knew better. There is nothing glorious about war. Honor rarely reared its head. I saw death. I saw destruction. I saw lives ruined. Cities laid to waste. I saw padawans who knew nothing of peace, who knew only a time of war. The one thing I desired most of all was simple: To see children grow up without the threat of war towering over them. A time without the threat of the Sith just a few parsecs away. I would go far to see this happen. [h3][color=bb1212] What are you like, and what keeps you motivated? [/color][/h3] As I said before, I’ve seen it all. Good and evil. Peace and war. Death and destruction. Wonders. The birth of younglings. Initiates rising to the rank of padawan. Padawans knighted, only to be slain by Sith a few weeks later. Had I not known what peace is like, I would quite possibly have been a broken wreck by now. The knowledge that peace is possible is what keeps me going forward. I hope to one day let the entire Jedi Order., the entire galaxy, know true peace once again. [h3][color=bb1212] How do you fight with lightsabers? [/color][/h3] I'll try to explain it to ya, since you asked. My personal form is something I've been polishing up over more years than you've been alive. Its versatile, using elements of many forms, all deployed as I need them. One thing's for sure: you won't see me doing any of those fancy flourishes, and I hope I won't see you trying any of them either. When a Sith is charging your position, you aim to kill, not to impress. The Sith won't show you any leniency, nor should you give it to them. When I aim to defend, you can probably recognize elements of both shien and soresu in my form, but that does not mean my lightsaber is my only tool. I'll be using the Force heavily as well. I've found that there's a unique charm to catching that Sith apprentice off guard in his attack and making him empty his belly. When I do go on the offensive, I prefer simple and strong attacks, throwing in a few deft counterattacks just to confuse opponents. There's nothing quite like surprising a foe with a Trákata strike just when he's trying to block that straightforward slice. Be it for offense or defense, I will hold the hilt of my saber however I see fit at the time. One hand, two hands, reversed, two hands behind my back. You get the idea. Just because a form is traditionally used with a certain grip, does not mean it has to be used that way by everyone. But I'm sure your instructors have explained some about this, right? In my later years, I've come to favor a personal form with greater elements of Niman mixed in, as well as surprising my opponents with a few ataru moves. Just because I look old, does not mean I can't move quickly still! So... Any further questions? [h3][color=bb1212] How do you relate to the other characters? [/color][/h3] If they’re Jedi, I usually get along fairly well with them. We might not agree on everything, but I do not hold disagreements against them. However, should they prove themselves tainted by the dark side, I hold them in contempt. If I can save them from themselves, I will. If I can’t, then they are better off dead. [h2] Out of Character [/h2] [h3][color=bb1212] How powerful is he in the Force? [/color][/h3] More powerful than some, less powerful than others. He is far from the most powerful out there, but he is definitely more experienced at using what he does know, which in turn makes him somewhat powerful. [h3][color=bb1212] Has your character encountered members of the other factions before? [/color][/h3] [color=#bb1213]Yes. Up for discussion which ones.[/color] [h3][color=bb1212] Your character can’t know his every weakness or flaw. Which ones were missing above? [/color][/h3] [list][*]Old. His body is not as limber as it once was. [*]He has seen a lot, so even if he’s got experience dealing with it, the bad memories still exist. [*]He actually cares about others, especially the young ones. [*]While he’s a decent pilot, he is no ace. [*]Jaded by war, but he retains hope there will be peace. [*]Some of his insides have been replaced by cybernetics following bad wounds. [*]His most recent padawan. He does not know the fate of this person. Though long knighted, Gar still feels this person has much to learn. [*]If he truly believes that trading places with several other prisoners will save them, then he may be willing to take their place. [*]Despite his many years of fighting the Sith, he actually knows very little about them or the Empire. [*]His memory isn’t what it used to be. At one time, he used to be good at keeping track of people, of places. These days, such often blends into a nice muddled chaos. He can clearly recall that everything was better about the galaxy, about the Jedi back when he was a young padawan, though. Bad things from those days are completely forgotten.[/list] [h3][color=bb1212] The Dark Side. How well does your character resist it? [/color][/h3] Gar Halcorr keeps to the code. He knows it in and out and is experienced enough not to easily be tempted by such. His ability to resist its influence is part of why he rose to the rank of Jedi Master. [h3][color=bb1212] What is your character’s personality like? What motivates him/her? [/color][/h3] Teacher: Gar has always been drawn to teaching, his mind calm and patient to reflect this. He believes in self improvement to better their ability to serve the galaxy and enrich the force. Passive/Mediator: Gar is determined to be a pacifist by nature. His skills in combat advance and adept to deal with most threats, but he often prefers the more diplomatic route. Through in certain situations, he has learned aggression is best. His dream is to restore peace to the galaxy. To free any Jedi taken captive by the Sith. To cure any of those who have been affected by the dark side, or if that proves impossible, rid the galaxy of them. [h3][color=bb1212] Do you have any limits as to what is “ok” to happen to your character? [/color][/h3] No. You can try to hurt him. Maim him. Kill him. But will you succeed? [h3][color=bb1212] Do the ends justify the means? [/color][/h3] Only so long as it does not violate the ideas of the Jedi Code. There is always hope, but it is not infinite. [h3][color=bb1212] Captivity. Do you want him to potentially be captured? [/color][/h3] If you manage to do so, then yes, he can be captured. Expect him to be more than a little decent at escaping, though. [h3][color=bb1212] What do you think your character is doing in a few IC months? [/color][/h3] Either he’s back in the republic, doing something, or he’s still working on freeing the prisoners, even if it may be that he is freeing them from themselves at this point. [/hider]