[@PKMNB0Y] This okay with you? [center][hider=Caster] [center] [center][h2][color=darkviolet] [u]Caster: Tamamo No Mae [/u][/color][/h2][/center] [center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/d1191033-c8de-433f-bfe8-2aed6c0427ef.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Personality[/b] [color=darkviolet]A bright, cheerful young fox girl. Searching for love every time she’s summoned, she only responds to those who have good intentions. Puts on a brave face detract from her own loneliness. Due to having the perspective of a divine being at one point, she is apathetic to killing. Devoted to a fault, she has a singular focus upon the Master who summons her and will act in their best interest in all matters. Of course, this often leads to a complete ignorance of common sense as she acts in exceedingly bizarre ways to achieve what she deems to be reasonable goals in the pursuit of her master's love. [/color] [i][b]Abilities[/b][/i] [b]Strength: E Endurance: E Agility: B Mana: A Luck: D[/b] [b]Witchcraft EX:[/b] [color=darkviolet]The Dakini heavenly methods. It includes methods to discern one's time of death and secret arts to obtain influence, such as methods to attain status and fortune (for men) and methods to gain the favor of influential individuals (for women). By lamenting harshly learning from experience in the past, Tamamo-no-Mae does not feel like making much use of this. [/color] [b]Shapeshift A:[/b] [color=darkviolet]Refers to both borrowing bodies and appearance change. A method used by the millenary spirits of foxes and badgers of China that are put on par with Tamamo-no-Mae. A method used by Daji of the Shang Zhou Revolutionary Period (see Fengshen Yanyi), but Tamamo-no-Mae does not feel like making much of an use of this due a trauma of the past.[/color] [b]Spell Tags:[/b] [color=darkviolet] The ability for Tamamo to create a limitless supply of spell tags, or Ofuda, from her own mana. These tags can be imbued with the powerful magics typical of a Caster class Servant, often instilled into elemental effects released in an explosion of power, though exceptional tags can be created when certain specific scenarios are present.[/color] [i][b]Noble Phantasm:[/b][/i] [b]Name: Eightfold Blessing of Amaterasu D[/b] [color=darkviolet]Description: A mirror worn by Tamamo no Mae. Because of a curse, it is a bounded field which isolates one in the Land of the Dead. Inside this bounded field all mystical power uses' cost is zero. Because the spiritual rank of the person has dropped, the rank also dropped. Originally EX rank Anti-World. The EX ability's scope is able to cover one country. The Eightfold Blessing of Amaterasu is a mirror that Tamamo-no-Mae wears on her body. It is the temporarily released form of the Tamamo Shizu Ishi a sacred regalia among sacred regalia, which was enshrined at Izumo after being brought from heaven by "Takehinateru-no Mikoto." According to the descriptions of the Nihon Shoki, it was taken from Izumo at the order of the Imperial Court and then later enshrined at Kawachi. It possibly later came to be known as the Yata no Kagami, the divine repository of Amaterasu, and it is thought to be the prototype of the Tokusa-no-Kandakara of the Mononobe clan, which holds the power to revitalize souls and life-force. The mirror levitates around Caster in battle, which she uses it to hit enemies in close combat.[/color] [/center] [/hider][/center]