Cecil was barely able to balance when Amuné decided to jump at him, not entirely understand what he was supposed to do about this. He didn’t like how she was clinging onto him but he also didn’t know what he was supposed to do about it. Raising his hands he soon backed off, looking to the others as they made their escape he backed off. He didn’t know what he was supposed to say to them, but what he did know was that he wanted to get out of here just as much as everyone else. Watching as one retrieved a weapon he frowned, not really understanding what they were wanting from him. “Uhh…my way? But I-…uhhh…” He didn’t know what way he was supposed to go or if he should wait for the others to find him. Thankfully, before he could even try to make the decision for himself Ethan had found him, sighing lightly he tried to pull Amuné off him, but he didn’t really know how that was supposed to happen when she wasn’t letting go. “Ethan! I, uhh, didn’t want to do any of this fighting…but they were in the way…” He wanted to try and justify what he did to the men to clear the way, but Ethan was probably going to be mad at him no matter what he did. He helped Amuné and other people he didn’t recognise so that had to justify doing what he did to those men. Not knowing if he had helped justify himself in any way he continued on, not knowing what to do about Amuné hindering his movement. Following after Ethan he remained quiet, holding the back of Amuné’s clothes as if it was helping him keep balance. He wasn’t that much taller than her so having her hold onto him like this was making it pretty difficult to walk. Not knowing much about the proper social queues he was supposed to undertake with all the death around he tried not to look at anyone, keeping fairly silent for now as he instead tried to find sight of the others. Luckily to cut the awkward silence Nymira was in sight and willing to talk, staring at her for a moment before frowning. “I didn’t know where to go…” He only found his way because of Wyth, he wasn’t very good at directions otherwise. While he was feeling the relief of finding a little calm after the storm he frowned at her suggestion. “Something about the building? What is a grave…?” While he didn’t have much of a clue about what she meant he was fine with moving away from that thought and getting out of here. He didn’t want to be surrounded by all this violence for much too long, he wanted to get out of here. Once they were out he was surprised by the sight of the guard, almost feeling like he should be trying to flee at this point just in case he got into trouble. Looking to the captured man quietly he frowned, trying to keep out of their conversation without asking too many questions. Mention of needing a healer had Cecil looking to Nymira to see what she had wrong with her but was startled when Nymira decided to decline further conversation. “W-We should…maybe go…” he spoke lowly, frowning a little, “That would’ve attracted a lot of attention and you’re all hurt. We should find a healer quickly and go get the cart as fast as possible…”