[center][color=00a651]D. Ark[/color][/center] The buzz of conversations ended suddenly as, with a puff of black smoke, a man appeared before the crowd. He looked like a mixture of Jack Skellington and model-esque clown. Removing his top hat with a flourish, he grinned at the audience before him. Oh how he loved a good entrance. [color=00a651]"Ladies and Gentleman... but mostly ladies,"[/color] he said, lifting a brow flirtatiously and causing several women to laugh and giggle. [color=00a651]"Tonight we call upon the brave and the fearless! Can you survive a night in my world? With my friends? After all, they are just [i]dying[/i] to meet you."[/color] People laughed at the inference. Yes the masses certainly loved a good show. Or what they deemed to be a show. [color=00a651]"So!"[/color] He said, replacing his hat with a flourish and a dramatic wave of the hand. [color=00a651]"Come one! Come all who dare! Come see the dark phantasmic! Step into my world of horror, fear and depravity! For I am D. Ark... and welcome to Hell."[/color] With a blast of black smoke and a flurry of sparks he vanished, to the oohs, aahs and applause of the crowd of fools who eagerly rushed the gates to buy their ticket, sign their wavers and enjoy a good scare. Poor souls had no idea what was in store for them... ~~~~~~~ Appearing in the main tent, where some of his employees were gathered, his mischevious grin turned into a truly terrifying smile. [color=00a651]"The circus is open. Time for the show. Enjoy my dears, but remember : do not be too overzealous. If we wish to continue feeding, we must control ourselves. No need for the lambs to know the wolves are among them."[/color] ~~~~~~~ The teenage girl stifled her giddiness. She had actually done it! She had snuck into the horror circus! Take that Deidre Mason! Now all she needed was a picture of her with a performer or something to prove she was here and then Deidre would never be able to bully her again! Coming out from behind a concession stand, filled with gross out candy and other fake ass shit for people to scream over, although the gummy eyeballs did look freaky, the teen snuck along trying to look like she was old enough to be there. The fact that the circus had a 18 and up age restriction made all of the underage kids curious about this place. She knew she couldn't be the only one who had snuck in tonight. The smell of the blood was quite strong. Must have been animal blood or something to be that realistic. But this place was not as bad as some horror games she had played in the past. Because no matter what happened, it was all fake. One tent caught her eye. It had a warning sign to visitors to keep out unless invited inside by the owner. It was the owner's tent! Holy shit this was perfect! Whipping out her camera, she took a selfie in front of the sign. Looking down to check the quality she noticed another face behind hers. Gasping and whirling around she came face to face with the handsome guy from the opening. It was him! The owner. "Mr. Ark!" she stammered. "I'm sorry! I wasn't going in! I just wanted a picture of-" [color=00a651]"Quite alright dear,"[/color] he said with a smirk. [color=00a651]"Curiosity is one of life's pleasures after all. But I must say my lovely, you look very young for 18. How old are you exactly?"[/color] "N-nineteen?" she said hopefully. He chuckled and shook his head. [color=00a651]"Now, now, you are too lovely a girl to be lying so blatantly. And so badly. Come now. Tell me the truth,"[/color] he said, looming over her with a slightly seductive smile. "Okay, I'm fifteen," she admitted, pouting. "I snuck in on a dare. Are you gonna throw me out now? Call my parents? The cops?" [color=00a651]"Oh dear me no, none of that. But I wonder if perhaps you truly understand what you have done here..."[/color] he said, pausing just long enough for her to get very nervous. She had unconsciously started to move back from him only for him to close the distance and take her chin into his hands harshly. She yelped and started to shake. He loved this moment : the eyes dawning with understanding... the fear starting to well up... [color=00a651]"Let's see what you're afraid of... shall we?"[/color] his tone dropping to a hoarse whisper as he used one hand to cover her mouth and the other to hold her in place. Her muffled scream was unheard as his eyes turned black as pitch and he stared deeply into her eyes, searching them. His eyes returned to normal and he sighed. [color=00a651]"Spiders. Predictable. This is why I do not bother with young ones, as a rule of thumb, but you my dear sealed your fate on your own. Hence, I feel no pity for you."[/color] His eyes turned black again and hers did as well as he infected her eyes with what he wanted her to see: the skin around his mouth stretching and tearing grotesquely, yellow foul-smelling blood pouring from the openings as large mandibles erupted from his face. Several more black eyes appeared on his forehead and temples. The teen screamed in pure terror as smaller spiders poured from the gaping mouth to swarm onto her. She could feel their legs on her skin, feel their fangs piercing her flesh, feel them crawling into her hair, ears and nose, choking her. To an outsider watching, it looked like she was having some kind of panic attack. Her heart sped as her lungs heaved, struggling for air. Her hair started to turn white, a sign that she had reached the level of deep primal fear he required. It was fast and he knew the soul would be worth less than nothing, but enough for an appetizer. Placing a hand over her chest, a white orb appeared. He held it in his palm. It was so small and fluttering like a bird. [color=00a651]"Such a sweet little soul,"[/color] he muttered before devouring it. The screams stopped and the girl merely stood there motionless. Her hair returned to normal. Well, not exactly 'normal'. It was rather flat and dull. Her skin was pale now and her eyes were unfocused. [color=00a651]"Begone,"[/color] he instructed, irritated at the insect of a human. That soul had been weak and barely worth his time or powers. He shook his head as she stumbled away. She was merely a shell now, barely capable of functioning. She would take her own life by the next morning he was certain. Brushing off his clothes, he rounded the tent and entered the common grounds where the crowds were walking. He was curious to see how his little family was doing...