Claudia watched the various displays of strength, some part of who she was yearned to step forward and prove them all wrong and yet she was intelligent enough to understand very well how these "freed slaves" gained their freedom. They'd been fighting in the styles and methods that they were encouraging each of the new slaves to step forward and present. Defeat was assured due to their inability to truly understand their enemies as well as the load of nerves that sat upon their shoulders at being slaves. Men were never created for servanthood under other men and that alone would take some "breaking" as it were. She watched the two women spar, a smile on the edge of her mouth at the thought that the younger woman most likely would kill Lumina in a true fight where they were on equal footing. The one thing the gladiators had against them was their heir of cockiness. They seemed not to understand that those that rise can quickly fall. Claudia would train and obey orders to the n'th degree only to one day take out each of them in the battle field of the arena. She'd heard before that a winner in the arena had the opportunity to challenge another, one of the greats or someone of equal footing. She hoped that day came because she would gladly call on their pompous leader, Canis. His voice brought her from her thoughts and she simply nodded like a well trained dog might, moving toward Darma, the man's muscles almost twitching with anticipation for the ass kicking to come their way. She stifled a smile, focusing instead on the bloody trail of a lesson learned that lay below her. She moved to stand just before Darma as the others moved with her, no one looking up but her. She'd play along, but a slave at heart she was not.