[color=f7941d][center][h1]Talos[/h1][/center][/color] Talos quietly stayed at the back of the group, arms crossed as he listened to the opening address. He had heard similar sentiments from time to time within the last few days from both Dr. Weir and Red Tornado. Although not knowing what to expect from "The Order of Chaos", (whose name seemed an incongruous self-contradiction that gave him considerable befuddlement when he first heard it) he knew the danger they posed to be high, leaving him to wonder how he and his fellow initiates will fit into the League's counter strategy, if at all. Such concerns would have to wait as the Flash indicated that introductions would be in order, Talos soon "greeted" by Robin who dashed in front of him before departing from him in a dazzling speed-driven display. He was caught off guard, raising his arms before determining she meant no harm. His eyebrows were raised denoting a hint of surprise. By his noticeably pale complexion, orange cybernetic eyes and modified right arm, it was easy to tell he wasn't human at the very least. Yet, notwithstanding his inability to experience deep admiration, he believed the existence of heroes such as Red Tornado and Cyborg had set a precedent for beings like himself looking for opportunities in this line of work. Introductions seemed to be going well until Arden's gravitational display. Although not damaged, Talos' bangs dipped a little over his eyes for a second. He wasn't annoyed, but did ponder if unprovoked feats of this kind were common and to be expected in the future. At the same time, it did open up an opportunity for him to get his introduction out of the way. "Greetings," he stated in his usual neutral expression, his voice like that of a young man's, but with a perceivable synthetic quality to it. He raised his right hand, moving it side to side at about 5 degrees, attempting to imitate the way the doctor taught him to wave, but still rather on the unnatural side. "I am Talos, an android created by Dr. Weir. I am fully capable of interfacing with all known CPU systems and have been equipped with numerous sensory and performance enhancements." With that, he moved back, crossing his arms once again.