OKAY. Time to sit down and check/uncheck all these forms. [@VitaVitaAR]: As Rin said: PREDICTABO. ...But accepted because I know how you Arturia by now. [@Lonewolf685]: Casko is fine, yes. Accepted. [@AtomicNut]: Fine. Accepted. [@TheFake]: Ah... Gonna have to say no, because as the wiki puts things: [quote]Modern weapons grant ease of use with the advantage of "anyone can use them as long as they were trained", so those who use them are "faceless heroes" who lack any qualities because they possess "expertise anyone can achieve through sufficient training."[/quote] So yeah. Nope. Sorry bud. In any case... [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/154213-fate-transcendent-paradigm-a-fate-go-based-rp/ooc]Here you go: OoC time![/url]