[hider=Stella] [u][h1]Classified Data[/h1][/u] [Human] [IMG]http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2015/034/2/4/lucy_heartfilia_cover_418_render_by_stella1994x-d8girw3.png[/IMG] [b]Name:[/b] Stella Atkinson [b]Faction:[/b] E.N.M.A Seneca Institute [b]Quirks:[/b] Likes: +Cooking +Energized behavior +UPBEAT AND COLORFUL ENVIRONMENT +HOTDOG! +Genetics +Web Graphic Animations +Kicks +Martial Arts +Erotic drawings Dislikes [b]Personality:[/b] Stella for one may look young for her age, she's a lot laid back than usual and would often scream and shout if she sees something is wrong and would never hesitate to correct it yet in certain situations she herself can be a hypocrite. The talkative nature of Stella adds on even more to her annoying personality and people easily judging her from the exterior, beware the nice ones, most 2nd years, 3rd years, and teachers have seen how she acts. Personification and purification, all the weird stuff Stella pulls, she is full of weird antics and the knack of being late and giving embarrassing and awkward tasks. She happens to be a food maniac with erotic way of thinking and scare people out of it. [b]About her:[/b] Stella is 45 years old and had been in the teaching industry since the aftermath of the war. Formerly a Geneticist that studies about the anatomy and neurology of ESPs; she served as a focal factor of developing Pride's ESP of from a Mega Periodic Table and developed Psymyte 12, the very serum that created the Pride ESP and E.N.D, Extra Neurotic Deliverer, a prana drug that boosts an ESP. Due to her trauma, she resigned from Pride Industries and began her teaching career at E.N.M.A. In her lifetime, she discovered the cure to Alzheimer Disease and scientific evidence proved that ESP are immune to almost all form of sickness and Alzheimer. She looks young not because of experiments but she maintains a good lifestyle and travels around Japan, Hokkaido. Currently, she is the Professor of ESP PE.[/hider]