[hider=Nir Ketcher][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/M0Sqzgn.png[/img][/center][right][color=6e757e]Face Claim Franky Fitzgerald[/color][/right][center][img]IMG URL[/img][color=7fff00][h3][u][b] N I R K E T C H E R [/b][/u][/h3]Male ● Twenty-Six ● Plant Biologist[/color][/center] [color=7fff00][sub][b][u] P E R S O N A L I T Y [/u][/b][/sub][/color] [indent][indent][color=6e757e]Nir is a bit of an enigma to most people. Once past how he looks, he can come off as a bit of eccentric or weird. Though practically speaking, Nir was always considered something of a prodigy when it comes to botanical science, and these two traits are typically portrayed hand-in-hand. He has a driving passion to understand what he considers the basis of human life, and even more so on a brand new world full of discoveries waiting to be made. Nir can become quite irritated and overly obsessive when a problem presents itself in his field of study, and he will pursue the answers tirelessly. When it comes to other people, Nir has always been somewhat disconnected. Most are usually put off by his looks and behavior, and he has a bad habit of keeping himself distant from others. He doesn't really like to talk about himself, and is often confounded by his lacking understanding of social cues. Despite that, he's outwardly friendly and accepting of other people, he doesn't really understand what "normal" means anyways. Nir can be kindhearted and giving, but doesn't fully appreciate the application of such skills. Meaning he's pretty poor at consolidating others and generally making them feel better, Though he does try in his own, unique ways. He's a lover of caffeine, and a habitual smoker, and either of these things are appropriate gifts when seeking forgiveness. On that topic, Nir doesn't often find himself feeling anger towards others, nor does he hold grudges, yet he is prone to amusement or irritation, depending. Because of all of these things, Nir's never really had much experience with love. Who has time to love when there's science to be done?[/color][/indent][/indent] [color=7fff00][sub][b][u] A P P E A R A N C E [/u][/b][/sub][/color] [indent][indent][color=6e757e]When it comes to the concept of being manly, Nir is probably about as far from it as one can be. Rather small and Petite, he stands at a solid five feet and weighs about as much as he looks. He's got a rather smooth face, delicate features, and sharp brows. He usually tries to keep his hair done, which entails keeping it patted down flat and using his fingers as a comb. Completeing the fun sized package are narrow shoulders, and below that he resembles a board. All of this is well and fine, the cute and quirky feminine look, despite the fact that he is male (and identifies as such).[/color][/indent][/indent] [color=7fff00][sub][b][u] B A C K G R O U N D / H I S T O R Y [/u][/b][/sub][/color][indent][indent][color=6e757e]Nir's upbringing is pretty textbook, at least up until the end of the known world. He was raised in a middle class home, the son of two average parents who loved him dearly. He had no siblings, and very little in the way of relatives his family kept in contact with. He got good grades, got picked on like every other unpopular kid, though it was never really anything terrible. Though that was likely due to the fact that he never really cared what others thought. From an early age he was identified as a brain, and that title stuck with him all the way through his early life. He'd found a passion for plants early on. His parents speculated that maybe it was because plants didn't pick on him, or he felt connected to the way a flower could bloom within in a field of weeds. Honestly, Nir just thought they were pretty, but nobody ever believes that explanation when he gives it. During his time in school Nir didn't really find much joy in many things; He liked to garden, play some video games, and draw a little. He began taking some college courses, and advanced placement tests during his early schooling. Finishing high school a year early didn't do much for the reputation he could care less about, and he found himself ripe with college opportunities. Like most younger minds his age would, he took the opportunity to go somewhere prestigious, The American Institute of Science and Technology. His college studies were mostly focused on plant biology and associated fields, though he managed to divert enough attention towards the required classes. Lacking the desire to socialize and form friendships, Nir found himself picking up extra courses to fill his time. At the end of his journey in education Nir found himself at the prime age of twenty-one, and having achieved both a Bachelor of Science, and Master of Science Degress, majoring in plant biology. Unfortunately, all of this would soon be over shadowed by the impending doom of the planet. Nir found himself a ticket onto the Noah II through a research center where he had accepted a job opportunity, but had yet to begin working there. It was apparent that Nir held a lot of promise, or so they said, and he would be a "valuable asset" into establishing a new life on an alien planet. Unfortunately, Nir's parents did not procure themselves a place on the exodus ship, they felt the earth was their home and that it would be up to the next generation to forge a life for themselves, or something to that extent. Nir didn't totally buy it, but he didn't fight them either, they were entitled to their sentiments. As life on Awilix seemed to progress rapidly, Nir found himself establishing an agricultural department in order to solve the tasks of a sustainable food source. No one else had stepped up in the first days of chaos and wonder, so Nir took charge. Not only the forerunner in trying to establish an system of agriculture, Nir is heading his own branch of plant biology, where he personally focuses on understanding and solving the mysteries growing on Awilix's surface. He has in impressive lab within the sub-levels of the city, though impressive is only relative in regards to what everybody else is allotted. He also has a small room on level seven.[/color][/indent][/indent] [color=7fff00][sub][b][u] L U N O S A B I L I T I E S [/u][/b][/sub][/color][indent][indent][color=6e757e]Agrokinesis[/color] [color=7fff00][sub]» [b]C A P A B I L I T I E S[/b][/sub][/color][indent][indent][color=6e757e]Nir can create, shape and manipulate vegetation, including wood, vines, plants, moss, and parts of the plants, such as leaves, seeds, fruits and flowers. The user can cause plants to grow, move, attack, or even rise from the soil and "walk". He can mutate plants by rearranging their DNA structure and revive withered or dead plants. They can use their power for defense and support by growing plants from the ground and make them sprout seeds, fruits, berries, or even to possibly use plant chemicals to heal people or objects or manipulate their properties for a wide range of effects.[/color][/indent][/indent] [color=7fff00][sub]» [b]D R A W B A C K S[/b][/sub][/color][indent][indent][color=6e757e]For obvious reasons Nir is severely under-powered in urban environments, despite carrying seeds with him. He can still use his lunos when surrounded by the creations of mankind, but all of the urbanization feels like dampener to his powers.[/color][/indent][/indent] [/indent][/indent] [color=7fff00][sub][b][u] W E A P O N S [/u][/b][/sub][/color][indent][indent][color=6e757e][color=gold]Screwdriver:[/color] Literally a screwdriver.[/color] [color=6e757e][color=gold]Seeds:[/color] Nir isn't officially trained in weapons,but he does carry a packet of seeds around with him since the discovery of his lunos ability.[/color][/indent][/indent][/hider]