[b]HANDLE IT![/b] Marius hastily spun on his heels and extended his hand towards the still fleeing goblin while very clearly saying a single word. "Wither." Something did wither alright, mainly the trees the damn goblin just managed to duck past. [b]You didn't handle it...[/b] "Sorry, m'lord." The hand the bandaged elf had used to cast the spell seemed for the moment much more frail and nearly skeletal in comparison to the rest of his body. The red eyes of the elf turned back to the paladin. "I'll provide you with introductions once we have made sure the..." Marius glanced over his shoulder to make sure that the naked elf wasn't just a figment of his imagination. "...Other lady in a definitive state of undress is alright as well." Without another word the elven cleric made her way to the naked, seemingly unconscious woman and dropped on one knee. He paused for a moment to steady his thoughts and to remove the bandages from his left hand. [b]Heal?[/b] "Yes, m'lord." Marius kept his eyes fixed forwards, very much away from the naked form and gently placed his left hand on the woman's shoulder. [b]You know her hair might lose it's color if you use that kind of healing... Mine is much better.[/b] "Oh yes, m'lord, healing with painful growths and pores is much better than using one's life energy." Some clerics use divine energies for healing, some their own life force and then there are those who know that all clerics can use both. Marius took a deep breath and sent out what he could only describe as a wave of life - it would heal wounds, but there might be some side-effects, mostly due to his albinism. Stybs continued smiling his toothy smile and offered a gloved hand to Rook. "Tha name is Orcgutter, Stybs Orcgutter, sum people call me tha Lib'rator, cuz that's what I do. Liberate people. Mostly from dem slavers an' such, but as ya see sometimes dem gits don' listen an' then I gots ta liberate them heads from them shoulders - yes I does." [i]There seems to be a paladin not too far from you, perhaps you should go greet the fellow now that this whole debacle is done with?[/i] "Uh, ya is not hurtsies, yes? Cuz the boss wants me to have a word with that pall-y-din git over thar." He motioned towards the paladin and the toothy smile became a bit confused one.