[hider=Char 1]Name: ???? Weapon: A rail gun that is the size of a large sniper rifle. Despite the size of it, Seven wields it pretty easily to the point that he/she could use it as a physical weapon if need be. Affiliated Region:Germany Code Name: Seven Age(Apparent or otherwise):Appears to be in his/her young twenties Gender:???? Appearance(Image or description):[Img]http://orig11.deviantart.net/7ea1/f/2014/359/9/8/gas_mask_anime_man_by_regorzero-d8b9z9k.jpg[/img] Abilities: Hade's markings: Touching stuff(Inanimate objects) with their left hand causes red lines to spread throughout it. Once these lines have spread to a certain point, they turn black before causing the object in contact with it to implode into a data like substance that is absorbed into his hand afterwards. Materialization: After using Hade's markings, Seven seemingly materializes out of thin air whatever object he/she can think of. The object/s created cannot exceed the amount of mass accumulated from hade's markings(Basically no tanks out of a pillow etc). Back Story:???? Alliances:Russia & France[/hider] [hider=Char 2]Name: Naoto Ryzukawa Affiliated Region: Japan & China Code Name: Frenzied Jaguar Age(Apparent or otherwise):Appears to be in his mid teens Gender:Male Appearance(Image or description):[img]http://pm1.narvii.com/5887/3b438053ef3061070a6d9287b2421a2d5c0155ed_hq.jpg[/img] Abilities: Disturbed Being: Transforms into a 14 ft tall superhuman Jaguar either at will or when under intense pressure. Back Story:???? Alliances: China, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan etc.[/hider] [hider=Char 3]Name: Emilia Strauss Affiliated Region: Formerly Canada Code Name: Bloody Mary Age(Apparent or otherwise): Early twenties Gender:Female Apparence(Image or description):[Img]https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-8pigthU_fGs/UwAS-Q4AvwI/AAAAAAAAWRw/-bAxezvU7Vs/w600-h375/licking%2Bblood.jpg[/img] Abilities: Blood Lust: Increased agility after witnessing the sight of blood, and increased strength and durability upon indulging herself in it. Back Story: An assailant that was said to have been killed en route to her assigned target. TBC Alliances: Naoto Ryzukawa[/hider]