Evvie was far too close and busy with her attack to dodge the mysterious fog he sent at her again. Her coughing intensified, causing her to wrap her arms around her body as if she had a stomach ache and bend down, hacking like she was some sort of an old man or something. She had gotten this sick before only once after eating some old food off of the floor, but she hadn't done so again...lately. Could it be a result of this fog he sent out?! The fog was as bad for her as old food? Finally she managed to catch on, as this was too much of a coincidence to ignore. That little troublemaker was making her cough! This wasn't good at all. She'd have trouble with any of her fine motor skills at this point. Luckily her basic fighting style was more brute force ungraceful movements so she could get way with it somewhat, but with her heaving chest it would make her wings have extreme difficulty to flap properly, as it relied on her back muscles not spasming every few seconds. He'd pay for this! She flinched at the sound of him sliding down the wall. He appeared to be in bad shape now, although looks could be deceiving. In his chest burned a flame, similar to Evvie. "Are you half dragon skeleton?" she questioned in a soft tone, barely audible because she wasn't quite confident enough to make a more loud assumption such as this. If he was then where were his horns, tail, and wing bones? Perhaps she was just jumping to conclusions. There must be more reasons then just that to have a flame in one's chest. Still coughing, she took a few stumbling steps towards him and then managed to steady her gait enough to charge at him and kick him in the chest with her right foot while soaring through the air at him. That flame could be his weak point and it wouldn't burn her, so she might as well try it.