[center][h2]167th Siege Regiment of the Death Korps of Krieg[/h2][/center] [center][h3]“In life, war. In death, peace”[/h3][/center] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/yuGJ10o.jpg[/img][/center] [h3]The Regiment:[/h3] [b]Type:[/b] Siege Regiment [b]Homeworld:[/b] Krieg [b]Numbers:[/b] 3252 Kriegsman + 1300 local “conscripts” (See Krieg total war notions) for total of 4552 [b]Allegiance:[/b] The Imperium of Man and the God-Emperor (Loyalist) [b]Commander:[/b] Colonel 33-Weinberg [b]Arrival:[/b] Inquisitor Nox's reinforcements [h3]HQ and Command Squad:[/h3] [hider=Colonel 33-Weinberg] Name: 3383 4322 5221-Weinberg Appearance: [url=http://i.imgur.com/rReyaf5.jpg]Colonel 33-Weinberg[/url] Age: 99 Gender: Male Faction: Imperium Rank and Force Type: Colonel and Astra Militarum Primary Skills: Tactics, Logistics, Urban Warfare, Trench Warfare, Military Law, Counter-insurgency Planet of Origin: Krieg Background: The highest ranking officer of the 167th Siege Regiment, 33-Weinberg is an old, ruthless and stoic as Kriegers come. A veteran of older wars, Weinberg is the surviving former Major and 2nd in command of the Regiment, who has now become its leader following its crippling following the Battle of Ateria III and death of the former Colonel. 33-Weinberg is more cautious and careful than most Krieger commanders due to the traumatic losses they suffered at Ateria III and so wishes to avoid the mistakes of his predecessor. While not a true advocate of ‘preserving the lives of his men’ (he knows that all true Kriegers wish to die), he will try to avoid ‘useless’ death so to fight more efficiently in the name of the emperor.[/hider][hider=Commissar Falk] Name: Cera “Old Hen” Falk Appearance: [url=http://i.imgur.com/TG68CYX.jpg]Commissar Falk[/url] Age: 178 Gender: Female Faction: Imperium Rank and Force Type: Commissar and Astra Militarum Primary Skills: Military Law, Discipline, Morale, Rationality Planet of Origin: Hydennia VII Background: An old commissar moved in out of retirement on behest of her homeworld, Cera Falk was called upon more as a military adviser and trainer in an earlier initiative to retrain and reorganise the 167th to deal with the near universal problem with Krieg regiments, being their disregard for their survival and suicidal tendencies, particularly after its near total destruction after the battle for Ateria III. She has now followed the regiment into its first major deployment since the disaster of Ateria III. Commissar Falk considers this one of her strangest attachments of her entire career, as now instead of shooting cowards and forcing wavering troops forward, she has to shoot reckless fanatics and hold troops back. While Falk considers herself a ‘tough bitch’, the Kriegers consider her almost grandmotherly and overly empathetic, gaining her the nickname “Old Hen” due to her constant attempts at trying to reason with guardsmen trying to launch suicide attacks on the enemies of the emperor.[/hider][hider=Captain 55-Klaus] Name: 55766 7311 3455-Klaus Appearance: [url=http://i.imgur.com/pPDrPAF.png]Captain 55-Klaus[/url] Age: 32 Gender: Male Faction: Imperium Rank and Force Type: Captain, In command of the 2nd Battalion of the 167th Siege Regiment Primary Skills: Strategy, High-Risk Operations, Stormtroopers/trench raids, Night Raids, Charisma(relative), Melee Planet of Origin: Krieg Background: 5766 7311 23455 Klaus (or simply 55-Klaus) is the young and aspiring protege of Colonel 33-Weinberg. A strategic and tactical genius at a young age, he would probably be a general by now if it wasn’t for his significant weakness (shared by many Kriegers). 55-Klaus is a hopeless romanticist, obsessed with redeeming himself through blood and death in direct combat with the heretics so that he may be redeemed for his stained bloodline of heresy (referring to Kriegs old treachery and nuclear devastation). His obsession makes him use his brilliance for incredibly high risk maneuvers and raids, in the hopes he will die gloriously. His obsession and bloodthirsty fanaticism also makes him very popular amongst the Kriegers, where others see a madman, Kriegers see a charismatic leader. Rumoured to drink the blood of his enemies.[/hider][hider=Nira Auburn] Name: Nira Auburn (referred to as 6832 9814F by her new Krieger bosses) Appearance: [url=http://i.imgur.com/T8pbcOB.jpg]Nira Auburn[/url] Age: 23 Gender: Female Faction: Imperium Rank and Force Type: Conscript and Junior Architect at Schola (Now Military Engineer) Primary Skills: Architecture, Engineering, Mathematics, Siegeworks, Earthworks, Local Culture/Translator Planet of Origin: Pontius Secundas Background: Formerly a native of the sector and studying architecture at the local advanced-level schola, Nira Auburn has since been conscripted on the spot by the arriving 167th Siege Regiment, as part of the Kriegers tradition of essentially conscripting any loyalist civilian they come across be they man, woman or child. The Kriegers have put her skills to use by putting her in charge of assisting in the creation of earthworkers, trenches and other defences along what they believe will be a frontline against invading traitor forces, or otherwise having her translate between their language and her own (She will forever regret being the only person in the schola that decided to learn a language as obscure as Kriegan). Very much wanting to be somewhere else, Auburn doesn’t really have much of a choice but to comply. Such is life under the Imperium.[/hider] [h3]The Regiment Composition:[/h3] [b]Regimental HQ:[/b] 20 Kriegers -Colonel -Major (Adjutant) -Primaris Psyker -Vox Operator -Medic -Regimental Standard Bearer -Regiment Priest -Regiment Tech Priest (assisting with artillery/construction) -Regimental Commissar -1 Chimera -11 Krieg Guardsmen [b]1st Battalion:[/b] 1064 Kriegers Command Staff: 5 Kriegers (Captain, Standard Bearer, Medic, Vox Operator, Techpriest) [b]1st Company:[/b] (Trench Assault) -353 Kriegers total -236 Krieg Guardsmen (Infantrymen, not artillery, tank, quartermaster, grenadier or heavy weapons crew) -5 Basilisk Artillery (4 crew each) -5 Centaur Carriers -2 Leman Russ Tanks (1 Vanquisher, 1 Punisher. 6 crew each) -50 Krieg Grenadiers (stormtroopers) -20 Quartermaster Cadre -6 Heavy Weapons (Heavy Bolter, Lascannon, Autocannon or Twin Heavy-Stubber) -1 Gorgon Armoured Assault Transport -1 Hades Breaching Drill [b]-2nd Company:[/b] (Trench Assault) -353 Kriegers total -236 Krieg Guardsmen (Infantrymen, not artillery, tank, quartermaster, grenadier or heavy weapons crew) -5 Basilisk Artillery (4 crew each) -5 Centaur Carriers -2 Leman Russ Tanks (1 Vanquisher, 1 Punisher. 6 crew each) -50 Krieg Grenadiers (stormtroopers) -20 Quartermaster Cadre -6 Heavy Weapons (Heavy Bolter, Lascannon, Autocannon or Twin Heavy-Stubber) -2 Gorgon Armoured Assault Transport [b]3rd Company:[/b] (Trench Support) -353 Kriegers total -157 Krieg Guardsmen (Infantrymen, not artillery, tank, quartermaster, grenadier or heavy weapons crew) -50 Krieg Death Riders -5 Basilisk Artillery -10 Gotterdammerung Howitzers -10 Brunhilde Tow Vehicle -50 Krieg Grenadiers (stormtroopers) -20 Quartermaster Cadre -8 Heavy Weapons (Heavy Bolter, Lascannon, Autocannon or Twin Heavy-Stubber) [b]2nd Battalion:[/b] 1084 Kriegers Command Staff: 5 Kriegers (Captain, Standard Bearer, Medic, Vox Operator,Techpriest) [b]1st Company:[/b] (Trench Defence) -353 Kriegers total -232 Krieg Guardsmen (Infantrymen, not artillery, tank, quartermaster, grenadier or heavy weapons crew) -15 assorted artillery pieces (Heavy Mortars, Heavy Quad Launcher) -5 Earthshaker Batteries -10 Gotterdammerung Howitzers -10 Brunhilde Tow Vehicle -8 Heavy Weapons (Heavy Bolter, Lascannon, Autocannon or Twin Heavy-Stubber) +Assorted Defences (Trenches, Bunkers, Bastions, AA Gun emplacements, etc) [b]2nd Company:[/b] (Trench Defence) -353 Kriegers total -232 Krieg Guardsmen (Infantrymen, not artillery, tank, quartermaster, grenadier or heavy weapons crew) -15 assorted artillery pieces (Heavy Mortars, Heavy Quad Launcher) -5 Earthshaker Batteries -10 Gotterdammerung Howitzers -10 Brunhilde Tow Vehicle -8 Heavy Weapons (Heavy Bolter, Lascannon, Autocannon or Twin Heavy-Stubber) +Assorted Defences (Trenches, Bunkers, Bastions, AA Gun emplacements, etc) [b]3rd Company:[/b] (Trench Support) -353 Kriegers total -252 Krieg Guardsmen (Infantrymen, not artillery, tank, quartermaster, grenadier or heavy weapons crew) -10 Earthshaker Batteries -5 Basilisk Artillery -2 Medusa Siege Tanks (5 crew each) -2 Thunderer Siege Tanks (3 crew each) -2 Destroyer (Tank Hunter) (3 crew each) +Assorted Defences (Trenches, Bunkers, Bastions, AA Gun emplacements, etc) [b]3rd Battalion:[/b] 1084 Kriegers Command Staff: 5 Kriegers (Captain, Standard Bearer, Medic, Vox Operator, Techpriest) [b]1st Company:[/b] (Trench Defence) -353 Kriegers total -232 Krieg Guardsmen (Infantrymen, not artillery, tank, quartermaster, grenadier or heavy weapons crew) -15 assorted artillery pieces (Heavy Mortars, Heavy Quad Launcher) -5 Earthshaker Batteries -10 Gotterdammerung Howitzers -10 Brunhilde Tow Vehicle -8 Heavy Weapons (Heavy Bolter, Lascannon, Autocannon or Twin Heavy-Stubber) +Assorted Defences (Trenches, Bunkers, Bastions, AA Gun emplacements, etc) [b]2nd Company: [/b](Trench Defence) -353 Kriegers total -232 Krieg Guardsmen (Infantrymen, not artillery, tank, quartermaster, grenadier or heavy weapons crew) -15 assorted artillery pieces (Heavy Mortars, Heavy Quad Launcher) -5 Earthshaker Batteries -10 Gotterdammerung Howitzers -10 Brunhilde Tow Vehicle -8 Heavy Weapons (Heavy Bolter, Lascannon, Autocannon or Twin Heavy-Stubber) +Assorted Defences (Trenches, Bunkers, Bastions, AA Gun emplacements, etc) [b]3rd Company:[/b] (Trench Support) -353 Kriegers total -353 Kriegers total -252 Krieg Guardsmen (Infantrymen, not artillery, tank, quartermaster, grenadier or heavy weapons crew) -10 Earthshaker Batteries -5 Basilisk Artillery -2 Medusa Siege Tanks (5 crew each) -2 Thunderer Siege Tanks (3 crew each) -2 Destroyer (Tank Hunter) (3 crew each) +Assorted Defences (Trenches, Bunkers, Bastions, AA Gun emplacements, etc) [b]1st Conscript Auxiliary:[/b] 1300 conscripts (locals) [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/FLTVST9.jpg[/img][/center] [center][h3]“In life, shame. In death, atonement”[/h3][/center]