Not two minutes when he got home did Zach hear the broadcast warning from the TV warning about Envy being on a rampage. "Ah great, not again" he thought. Immediately he went upstairs to grab his gear and got ready to head out after checking to make sure everything was calibrated right including the new collapsible mask he developed. Hard to believe he used to do vigilante work in secret. In the shadows, a well tossed garbage lid here, a trip wire there, and tip offs in between all the snooping. Then a few weeks ago, he started being able to jump higher, and lift heavier objects with ease, though it didn't feel like his strength was increasing. Today though was a new one. His pencil broke into a hundred pieces, like a brittle flaky cracker, and he wasn't even applying any force to it. Maybe today would be another opportunity to further test his powers, see what he could really do. Still, he had to allow cooler heads to prevail and be ready, which also meant an opportunity to test his new taser knuckles. Knowing Shadowbird, she was already on her way to the scene and he had to hurry to meet up.