[h1][center][color=00a651]Ethan Blackledge[/color][/center][/h1] Ethan was in one of the last cars that pulled up to the school. He decided to stay back a while and help load up the cars, so the work was finished quicker. When the car stopped, Ethan slowly got out, stretched and made an over the top yawn sound. Within a few minutes they were unloading the cars and taking them inside. After a while of unloading all the equipment, Ethan started to look noticeably sweaty, the heat was a bit too much for him but he continued to work. [i]Only mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun,[/i] Ethan thought to himself with a smile. When Ethan was walking through the halls carrying a massive box, he bumped into Violet who was stood outside of one of the rooms. It looked like everyone had started clearing the classrooms and were turning them into bedrooms. Violet asked him whether or not he'd be staying with her. In truth Ethan hadn't really thought about it. He wasn't the type of person to look that far into the future. Before he could actually think of an answer she walked into the room, leaving Ethan a little bit lost for words. For a few seconds Ethan stood there, debating. He followed her into the room. [color=00a651]"Yeah… I'll do whatever. I'm not too fussed. If you want me to stay, I'll stay."[/color] He waited a few seconds thinking of what to say, but he didn't know really what to say. [color=00a651]"Well… I have to get back to business. The cars aren't going to unload themselves..."[/color] He tapped the box and smiled at Violet as he walked back outside of the room. He walked round the corner and leaned against the wall lightly smacking his head on the box, he hadn't felt that awkward in a while. Ethan was never really good expressing his feelings so he always seemed to make the conversations awkward. Sighing, Ethan pushed himself off the wall and went back to his work --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Later on as Ethan walked back downstairs and went to grab some more boxes from the car, he heard a scream and as he span around he witnessed Ingrid slashing a girls throat. Ingrid shrieked at the girl, but she was already dead. Ethan sprinted towards the girl who was lying on the ground, he had no idea what to do. As he looked up Ingrid was walking into school. [color=00a651]"What the fuck have you done Ingrid?"[/color] He shouted at her in sheer disbelief. [@Wick]