[center][h2]Liam Pyne[/h2][/center] Looking up from his picked over plate Liam considered the question for a long moment. It wasn't like she done it on purpose although it seemed to confirm a few suspicions he had regarding the spirit world. It was now quite clear that it was keyed into emotions. Perhaps it was even where the emotions someone left behind when they died ended up. That would certainly make a lot of sense but it still left other questions. With Alister’s outburst Liam gave him a rather dead look, anything Alister could bring against him was nothing more than the lap of waves against a shore in comparison to the tsunami was Liam was concerned by. “I suspect what happened was more akin to an echo. I get the feeling that Alister amplified an emotion and then when you took it and dumped it, the pain somehow ended up in the spirit world. Normally I don't think that would really have mattered but unfortunately while Paulina and I were body swapping I gave off the spiritual equivalent of a flare in the middle of a dark night. So when the pain was sent into the spirit world it hit [b]A lot of ghosts...[/b]” Trailing off Liam went back to picking at his food well aware that Alister, Ashleigh and probably even Paulina could probably tell that he wasn’t saying something it didn't matter. Looking at Ashleigh after her yelp the young man frowned for a long moment before he closed his eyes and emptied himself as though he was preparing for a possession. Reaching across the table he offered his hand to her. Pushing all of his emotions into a tiny little ball he veiled them carefully so that they felt like the sun behind a cloud in the barren waste of his internal state. As emotionless as he could get he offered the quite to Ashleigh with his hand. It was clear she was using Paulina to overwrite her emotions every time she touched Paulina. “It wasn’t Noah that is the problem. There are other things in the spirit world beyond just human spirits and remnant emotions. I’ve been calling them Outsiders for years. I have idea what they actually are but they are old and powerful.” With a calming sigh Liam continued “I’ve been possessed by one of them, it styled itself as a demon and it certainly acted like one. I almost burned my family alive because of it. Its why I wear a psychic inhibitor and why I’m here. The problem is I think after what happened today the Outsider has found us and I’m concerned because it appears capable of destroying other spirits. I don’t want to drag you three into it but I don’t think there is any way to extricate you. We set off a massive bomb in the spirit world and it sent up one hell of a flare; which is why I think we may be dealing with a class five spirit very soon.” With that Liam fell silent and let them take in what he had said. Tonight was going to be rough for everyone. [@Caits][@KiritoAsuna][@Thundercrash]