What was her bearer this time around? The empress watched the human on the ground as she got closer. He was moving slowly with pain. Brown skin, dark hair, scraggly clothing, scared out of its mind. Thoroughly unremarkable. Then again, she was difficult to impress. He did manage to grab a can from the floor and throw it at her. She barely blinked as it whizzed past her head. Fighting back could have been a cause for concern, but that too, in her experience, was unremarkable. They all resisted when she found them. It was understandable, really, even with her general disregard for the surface creatures. But his resistance was nothing. It didn't slow her in the slightest from leaning down and grabbing his wrist from the panicking thing. To a regular creature, like the one she'd touched a moment before, her skin would have seared them to the bone. But as she stared at its wrist, it did exactly what she'd hoped for it to do. For a moment, the skin would burn red, just like the other before it went completely brown. But as she watched this one, the skin didn't char. It remained red, the heat from her skin burning and the other's skin regenerating itself in the same instant. Despite herself, the regeneration she saw in the bearers never failed to fascinate her. "Perfect," she murmured to herself. The creature she was grabbing slowly rose to his feet. She hadn't watched his face, gave him no regard until he was on his feet. Only then did she look at his face. He had this look of awe about him, one she usually didn't count as unusual. Something was different, however. Awe was one thing, but wonder was something a little different. She gave it little mind, though, at least for now. He was the bearer she'd been looking for. The empress smiled, feeling satisfied. She could return to her kingdom now, from a short, efficient visit. Now that little chore was done. Her grip loosened slightly and he snapped out of his staring, pulling away, stumbling back, feeling around all the shelves still standing around them. Unless the shelves had some sort of very powerful talisman, he was out of luck. It certainly didn't seem like it knew of the only likely way to save himself. She'd already dismissed the possibility in her mind. It wouldn't happen. Instead of worrying about it, she glanced around the small box they were in, over the shelves and the creature with the burned limb, and the broken door. Looking back at the bearer, she took a few purposeful steps over a downed shelf, right between him and the doorway. From here she stepped towards him, reaching for both arms, intent on restraining him for good this time.